---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Chapter 11: A party by any other name --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tatiana brings the topic of conversation onto more practical matters .... (Tatiana:) "I went over to the Citadel today while it was still open. There's one job that might be interesting to us as a group unless we decide to split up and go our individual ways." She looked her new friends over and some rolled their eyes at the thought of a sedentary life. Others looked a little surprised that she would even suggest such a thing since they all seemed to be cut from the same cloth. They all were the adventuresome sort. Shade, being a bard, could tell she was using reverse incentive to steer the group to the same decision she had come to. (Tatiana:) No-one spoke up when she mentioned the group splitting up, so she continued "Well then I think we agree that we should become an adventuring group and seek to etch our fame and fortune from this new land. We will need a name to call ourselves so the history books remember us well." "There are eight of us, how about the enigmatic eight?" she winced even as she said it. "Or, how about The Eidolon (eye-doe-len) which sounds neat and means an insubstantial image or an ideal. Sorta implies we will strive but gives us an air of mystery too" she looked to each and said their names "Arlon, Dithion, Falrun, Kaeyar, Keilan, Shade, Silver, and myself Tatiana, a toast to the future success of The Eidolon" She raised her cup to each member and smiled. (Keilan:) Keilan rolls his eyes and shifts in his seat, taking a drink from his mug of ale, "Please. Names are for the foolish who do not know themselves or the haughty who desire all to know of them. Call yourself what you will, but leave me out of it. Bards! Always think every story is worth the telling." (Arlon:) "Yes Keilan, you are right - the fools and the proud do like to give themselves names and of course history shows them to be this way or doesn't show them at all. But I have also known the naming of a group to give the individuals a greater camaraderie, inspire a feeling of togetherness and not just being a group of individuals; but a whole single unit - a team. It has its benefits." "If we are able to do extraordinary things here, history will give us a name anyway; so why not create that name ourselves. I think a name would be a good idea. I always liked 'The Intrepid' myself." "History! The experience of those before us is one of their greatest gifts - and the Bards know this" (Tatiana:) Tatiana frowned at Keilan's reaction to the naming of their group. "Names are important. They are a source for identity and for bonding individuals into a cohesive group. The Zhentarium would not be so frightening if they didn't have a name, nor would they be as organized if they did not have a name to rally behind." (Keilan:) "A name changes nothing. What lies in men's hearts is not bound by the names given to it, only the blood in his veins. And I for one could care little what a horde of murderers might be called. They are slayers and that is all that matters." (Tatiana:) "A name denotes a belonging and a responsibility to it's members. Your callous comments, I attribute to ignorance and forgive them. For I do not believe you do not see yourself as part of our group. I think you long for being needed by others and fear to say so, and that is what motivates such words." She attempted to let the subject drop at that point and continue on with the job posting. (Keilan:) "You could not be more wrong, I think. I do see myself as part of this group, but this talk of being needed and fear is pure fantasy. You still don't understand me at all." (pause) "And it is a sorry name anyway..." (Falrun:) Falrun listens to the bickering about a name between Keilan and Tatiana and soon can stand no more without putting in his two coppers worth. "Tatiana, I agree that we should have a name and possibly a standard under which we may be identified and rally. However, I do not agree with a name that counts our numbers for at least two reasons. The first is that it will give away our numbers to potential enemies. Any one going against the Zhentarim for the first time has no idea what they are in for. Also, it does not easily allow for new members or losses from the original number. How would the Enigmatic Eight look when they come dragging into town with only five surviving members?" "How about something a little less definite that still gives an idea as to what we are planning to do here? How about The Trailblazers? It's not too fancy but I bet you'll get a few more songs out of that one than the Enigmatic Eight. What rhymes with that?" (Tatiana:) Tatiana makes a comment about the Eidolon not being a name which means "The Enigmatic Eight" as even she would not care for such a crass name. (Falrun:) Falrun blushes and apologizes, "I'm sorry Tatiana, I misunderstood you. I guess I got the name completely wrong. I still don't agree with it because the common peasant will have no idea what you're talking about, much less most other people. Not everyone is as educated as you are." (Tatiana:) OOC: I couldn't really care less about the name of the group, and won't get hurt feelings if my name isn't chosen. I'm just role-playing a bard :-) Tatiana laughed a little at Falrun's comment about misunderstanding her name for the group. When Arlon agrees with Falrun about the name being difficult for others to understand she looks to Falrun "I can see what you mean. It must be my love of words that makes me too poetic sometimes." "Very well, the Eidolon isn't good either. But Trailblazers doesn't suit me either. Sounds like we all chew tobacco and spit as we adventure" "Intrepid sounds interesting. Hmm, Tatiana of the Intrepid. I think I like that one. Unless someone can suggest a better" she said this while looking at Keilan with a small grin OOC: She's trying to be flirtatious with both Falrun and Keilan to minimize hurt feelings. She's cute remember (even if I don't articulate it well) (Shade:) For a moment Shade had thought to interject to cool down the bickering, but seeing Tatiana eyebrows fluttering so nicely and her hips rocking a little more than the normal in order to soothe the men moods, he settled down hardly choking back laughter. Then, a serious expression on his face "Names are that important, Keilan, a name is a road to someone soul - he shivers - I learnt it well down in Menzoberranzan - but, - he looks at his companions - but, I do think we have not earned a name yet." He smiles "It has been just a minor skirmish in a, I fear, loong war, nothing so heroic to get a name from." (Silver:) After a number of people have mentioned what they think, Silver will say to Tatiana "'Ana, I agree that we do need a name. Each has their own thoughts on what that name should be. I have heard that the names of groups such as ours will emerge as songs are sung by you Bards." After a pause, Silver continues "Names bring with them many things, and cannot be decided upon lightly. I like 'Eidolon', but it can only be right if all agree." (Kaeyar:) Kaeyar begins getting visibly annoyed and impatient as the argument progresses, eventually breaking in with "fine, great, sure, let's have some fine noble prosaic name under which we can go out and do fine noble and prosaic deeds [makes a face here]. (Dithion:) Dithion says little, then joins in briefly, saying, "It might help for hiring purposes later, if we can make our name reputable." (Tatiana:) She turned to Silver "Perhaps you could ask Mielikki to bless this union when it is appropriate. And if you could include Tuft in your blessing I would be grateful" (Silver:) Extremely pleased at being asked for her goddess's blessing on the group, she will brighten, and say "Of course, I would be more than willing to ask Mielikki to grant a blessing on our Group." (Dithion:) Dithion coughs here, and says, "No offense Silver, but leave me out of that blessing." (Silver:) Her pleased look quickly fades. "Oh, Dithion, I am so sorry, I was being thoughtless. Please forgive me." Silver now looks concerned. "You must tell me more about Des later. I know little about your faith, and would not want to offend you further." The party have been discussing joining together into an adventuring band. Some seem keen on giving themselves an identity. Others - for various reasons - do not like taking on a name just yet. The talk turns to other topics .... (Tatiana:) "I guess since we are officially an organized group we should agree on some means of direction we will follow." she said with trepidation as she knew all were very individualistic people including herself. "I will look to Silver for theological guidance, and to Arlon for magical, but who will be our leader otherwise? Perhaps we have a volunteer for that position" Tatiana looked to the others hoping someone would volunteer, but eyes diverted leaving only a few to offer their skills as the leader of the Eidolon. (Arlon:) "I would be glad to lend any leadership skills I have to the group, one of the warriors will probably also have some leadership background." (Tatiana:) She gets serious for a moment "Arlon, while I thank you for your offer to be leader, I'd rather look to you for our magical guidance and look to another for leadership of the mundane nature." She looked to Silver as well hoping the thought would be translated to the theological guidance as well. "Please don't take this personally, I was just thinking more along the lines of someone like ... Keilan, Dithion, or Falrun. The others of us are too preoccupied with magical pursuits to dedicate our time to the leadership role." (Shade:) "It is not only a matter of magical pursuit - Interjects Shadowdancer - tactical training is part of a warrior life: no one else would be as good as a true warrior at this task." (Kaeyar:) "But leadership is something we can't wait on. And I myself have no problem with Arlon as leader. If you remember how the battle went, us spell-slingers were far more in need of coordination than those who did most of the hacking! Much of our strength is in our magical powers, so this insistence on a warrior as a leader seems folly to me. And I'd be willing to bet that he is not untrained in strategy and tactics. If any other would be leader, let him play a game of chess with our mage friend! I have no doubt whom the victor would be." As he speaks, he gives a hard stare at those who have rejected Arlon's offer. (Dithion:) Dithion says, "I would make a very poor leader, so please count me out. How about you Tatiana? You seem to have a good deal of diplomacy skills, although I have no problem with Arlon either." He returns Kaeyar's hard stare with one equally hard. Then he giggles, and rubs his eyes as if very tired. "I think I am getting punchy. I need some more sleep." (Arlon:) "Friends, we all know that the qualities of a leader are many and very very few possess them all, each of us has some of those qualities - Silver and Dithion, you posses the wisdom and care of others that I have rarely seen; Falrun and Kaeyar have knowledge of the practical, seeing a need and trying to fill it; Keilan is level headed and sure of himself; I have a quick keen mind; Tatiana, you have the inner fire and drive to want to get things done and Shade, you posses one of the most important qualities of a leader, humility. There is one quality that will really only come from the interaction we have with each other - that is trust; but it will come as we travel and battle and socialize. I believe that the leader in all of us will show itself at some critical point when it is needed. Now as far as a go-between for us and the leaders of this colony, this could be a good thing to get soon. Several of us can do this and at least 2 would be good." (Falrun:) "I've had some experience as an officer in a military group. I also believe in majority rules. I see no reason why we can't all voice our opinions and take the most reasonable decision of the bunch. In other words, what duties do you propose for the "leader" to perform that can't be decided by the what is best for the party?" (Silver:) Silver leans slightly towards Falrun and says calmly that "Falrun, you are quite correct to say that we are experienced enough not to need the services of a leader during the times we will be working together. But the leaders of this village, if they are to deal with a group, need to deal with a spokesperson. We need someone with whom the authorities can deal. Someone with wisdom, honesty and with an appropriate bearing." She pauses to look around each of the others "I believe that we are all a vital part of this group, and without demeaning the skills that each of us have to offer, I would ask you, Falrun, to assume the mantle of leader in order to ease our dealings with the local authorities." "Natural leaders will emerge through their actions during tight situations, but in the relatively relaxed situations here, we need someone like Falrun" (Arlon:) OOC: Falrun as leader? Really? I may be getting confused with another character; but right now I didn't even have him in the top 4 - I'll have to go back and look at his posts. I really don't care - it seems to me a liaison or 2 with the leaders of the settlement may be good, otherwise it is probably real tough to do any battle leadership in pbem (timing and all). (Silver:) OOC: Absolutely. No chance of any real co-ordination in battle scenes, perhaps just like "real life" 8-). The only reason I think we need a leader is to handle the liaisons with the settlement leaders. Out of interest, who were your top 4 ? I would not have counted Tatiana (too impulsive), Kaeyar (too common - not meant unkindly), Silver (wouldn't want to), Tarok (too dead), Shade (don't think he'd want to). That leaves Keilan, Dithion, Falrun, Arlon - how does it compare with your list ? (Arlon:) OOC: My top 4 were: Dithion, Keilan, Silver, Arlon - these I believe are the most solid of the group - I thought Silver would have been a fine liaison. (Falrun:) "Thank you, Silver, for your support, but I too believe that the natural leader of the group will emerge soon enough. At the moment we can all contribute in the ways that we know how." (Tatiana:) As Falrun asks about the leaders responsibilities "Don't get me wrong, I think making decisions by committee is good enough for most occasions. But when the time comes for quick thinking and fast decisions, I want someone not preoccupied with picking a spell to dictate a course of action. As well as settle disputes that we as a group can't agree on. We can always change our mind later with discussion. This is only informal for the time being." She finished with a smile hoping she had soothed things over. She looked to Shade to see if he could articulate things better. (Shade:) "So true, 'Ana. - He smiles to his friend slightly touching her shoulder - I myself am of the individualistic lot, but in time of fast paced melee the organization coming from a trusted leader is a bonus not to be underrated. My vote is for having a military leader, and taking common decisions all together" (Arlon:) Arlon will say this loud enough to be heard over the chatter: "Friends, let us not forget what we are doing here. This is a celebration, we were victorious in our first battle together. We should not be bickering, we should be thankful and encourage one another." "I thank you Kaeyar for your words; life as well as games have taught me strategy and tactics - you get to see a lot when you are more or less behind the scenes in a battle; but again our talk about leaders can wait and leaders will naturally rise to the surface. But before that we need to trust each other and learn of each other" Arlon stands and raises his mug "FRIENDS! a gift, a treasure that few things exceed, let us help our friendships to grow and to be a bond that nothing can break." Arlon's face is very cheery at this time, as he looks around the table at everyone. (Dithion:) Dithion smiles and raises his mug and drinks with Arlon. (Kaeyar:) Kaeyar makes a face at those last few words, mumbles "ugh. makes it sound like we're getting married," but raises his glass nonetheless. (Arlon:) With a chuckle "Yes, I suppose it does; but there are many similarities between friendships and marriage." (Shade:) The drow grins "I suppose you'd _HAVE_ to be friend in order to get married, so sorry sometimes it's a different matter.." (Tatiana:) Tatiana frowned at Kaeyar's harsh words, but soon took to shaking her head realizing it was in his nature. She too raised her glass of wine to the toast, clinking her glass with Silver and others nearby. (Kaeyar:) "Ah, so we seem to have decided not to decide on a leader. Very well." Ok, so the party have a little problem agreeing on a name, and indeed on a leader. But what about who should get the treasure ...... (Falrun:) "Seeing as how we are talking about organization of the party, does anyone propose a written charter of the group detailing how treasure will be split or can we work out a "Gentleman's" agreement on an even split of treasure. We all must make our homes here, at least for a little while, and everyone should have at least some assurances of their income." With that said, Falrun takes his mug and leans back in his chair anticipating the next round of "discussion". (Tatiana:) "That's not so hard really, I once had a court accountant describe to me a fair and equitable means for distribution of treasure gained by an adventuring group. This might get confusing because I'm not an accountant myself but let me give it a try." "We bid on the items of treasure we wish to have for ourselves. Let me take an example Silver and I are the group. I just use the two of us for ease of calculations, it will work for larger groups as well. Silver and I have agreed that she is more important to the group then I am and she should get two shares. I'm just saying that to show that this will work for strange divisions of treasure as well as equal portions. So don't use this against me later" she said with a smile. "On our adventuring we find a ring which turns out to be a ring of magical protection, we find 4000 gold as well." "We both bid in secret give the best and final offer for the ring. We will bid what we feel the ring is worth to us. Let's just say she values the ring more than I do and bids secretly 2000 gold. I don't care about the ring so I bid 0." "We take the total of the highest bid for each item and sum them together with the gold we earned. 2000 for the ring and 4000 for the coins gives us a total of 6000 gold in booty." "Since Silver gets 2 parts and I get 1 part then I am due 2000 gp and she is due 4000 gp." "Silver will take the ring which she needs to pay 2000 for and I get 2000 as well. Silver gets the ring, and 2000 gold, I get 2000 gold and we both feel like we got a good deal." "If you can follow my analogy then I think you can easily see that it would be just as useful for larger groups as well." "But I suggest we consider everyone equal in treasure share for now" "I'm good with numbers, and honest as well. So I can take care of the bidding process and division of treasure if it was too confusing. But really it works the best". (Falrun:) He then turns to Tatiana and says, "That seems to be a fair and equitable means of dividing treasure to me. I'll go along with it." (Arlon:) A way we used to do it is to divide the monetary treasure evenly, and for the items of magic or unusual nature we would draw lots for a picking order once and this picking order would rotate after each subsequent division of treasure - we did this if there was at least 1 item for everyone, otherwise there was a group negotiation for who got what, this would work extremely well. Ex: suppose after drawing lots the order came out to be: Dithion, Keilan, Shade, Arlon, Silver, Falrun, Kaeyar Then Dithion would pick first and so on, cycling through the order until all items are chosen - you could abstain picks or even trade picks prior. The next time there was enough treasure the cycle would rotate - the order of rotation can be any way we want it; but as an example: Kaeyar, Dithion, Keilan, Shade, Arlon, Silver, Falrun in this case rotation was a cycle down. Just something else to think about that probably won't be decided until we actually need to choose treasure. (Dithion:) Dithion says, "I like your method of division Arlon. What of the rest of you?" (Silver:) Silver responded "I also like Arlon's idea. It is simple, yet effective. However, if there is any particular item which is of interest to only certain members of the party, say the mages, then this needs to be handled as well." (Dithion:) At talk of dividing the treasure, Dithion says, "I think we should do it equally, regardless of worth. On one quest, I may be useless, on another instrumental. The same could be said for anyone. If we are going to be a team, I don't think any should be given more than another. None should be put above another. If, however, some of us cannot pull our weight, then we can rediscuss this division decision. If we make one, that is." Ok, so no agreement on a name, leader or treasure division, but what exactly can we agree on ? What job we should take ..... The talk of leaders and names has now finished (we hope). But what will the party do to earn fame, money, or whatever else motivates each of them in this land ? (Tatiana:) "Anyways what I found at the Citadel was a posting concerning the natives and Rhuleck's Farm. The job wishes hearty individuals to harass the retreating native army and make it's way to Rhuleck's Farm to make contact ... if it still stands." she let the silence hang as the importance of the mission sunk in. (Dithion:) Dithion says, "I am interested in such a venture. These savages should be harried as much as possible after what they did." (Falrun:) "Can you tell us who is hiring for the job and will they supply us in advance? Or is it payment on completion of the mission? I personally would like to negotiate some supplies or equipment out of this employer, and if we are to harass natives who are immune to natural weapons, will they supply us with some effective weaponry?" (Silver:) Silver replies "Exactly, Falrun. You show wisdom once more. We should indeed be able to get equipped for any task. I would suggest that perhaps you negotiate this very point with those at the Citadel." (Arlon:) "Yes Falrun, magical weaponry could be needed if those retreating natives have anymore of that foul potion with them; but seeing how limited the resources are here, I doubt there would be any in surplus; but no harm in asking. I would lend one of you warriors my staff if necessary, it may not be as effective as a sword but it does have a magical benefit - are any of you proficient with a staff?" (Falrun:) "If no one else is proficient with a staff, I would be glad to use your staff if my own two swords will do no damage. I would, of course, defer to anyone who could use it more effectively. Thank you for your offer Arlon." (Keilan:) "As good as any job we're likely to get here. Though I'd rather NOT harass the natives, I would like to find Rhuleck's Farm. We'll need money for supplies though. What are the conditions of payment? I would not like to go running through hostile lands with a quiver of only 4 warped arrows." (Tatiana:) "I've got a full load of arrows and a broken bow, so you may use as many of my arrows as you need. The payment was not on the posting, and I'm pretty sure it will be discussed during the job interview." (Kaeyar:) Thinking back to the discussion a little while ago, Kaeyar mutters "For the meantime, if we're just making a trek out to the farm, I think we can live without a name ...." (Tatiana:) "I'm interested if you all are" (Kaeyar:) "Friends, I think we should turn our thoughts to the morrow. If we make this expedition to the farm, we'll need supplies, we'll need a plan. I can conjure a horse to make the trip easier, and several of us seem to be able to fly. As was said before, we will also need to know details of payment and supply; but we should decide as much as we can now based on what we know, so that we can leave early tomorrow." "By the way, if anyone is in need of arrows, let me know, I have some extras I bought today." (Falrun:) After listening to Kaeyar's offer of arrows, Falrun says, "I don't mean to be sarcastic Kaeyar, but who has a bow that wasn't broken last night? Otherwise I would have been glad to take you up on your offer." (Kaeyar:) Kaeyar also springs for everyone's meal and drinks if they'll let him. If they refuse, they get a very nasty glare. (Tatiana:) "Thank you very much friend Kaeyar". She calls a barmaid over and orders another glass of wine. (Arlon:) "I thank you Kaeyar for dinner - you beat me to the punch, I suppose Silver, me and you will have to have dinner another time ..." (Silver:) "Yes, Kaeyar, thank you very much for the meal and wine." (Shade:) "I really appreciate your offer Kaeyar - he smiles at his friend - let's eat in honor of our friendship." (Arlon:) OOC: I am assuming that Tarok initially survived the battle; but then fell in a crater or something; because it doesn't look like he'll be participating. At Arlon's earlier toast to friendship, which went some way towards ending arguments among the party .... (Shade:) Eyes shining the drow rise is mug (of fruit juice, but that is not critical;) "Great Arlon, ever thought of trying the bard career? - he looks quizzically at Tatiana - he bested both of us, didn't he?" (Tatiana:) She looked to Shade with a look of mock disbelief on her face "You maybe, but not me". She could keep a straight face no longer and broke out laughing "Yes, indeed he did good friend!" (Arlon:) "Ha, HA" supposed to be a laugh "Ever since a bard came into my families village, when I was young, I had a place in my heart for bards - we each share an interest in history and in many cases the Ancients. Besides, 2 of my best friends are bards!" He says this last thing with a big smile on his face while giving a look to Shade and Tatiana. (Shade:) Then he catches his balalaika and start playing a joyous ballad singing the worth of a trusted friendship "About a leader... -he nods to Arlon - you ought to be right, but I suggest that we spend a couple of hours to preplan and draw a tactic to employ in the open before adventuring out of the palisade in search of fame and fortune." "Disorganisation -He picks a dissonant chord on is instrument - can lead a strong party toward a sorry demise. - he starts again on the ballad - If we point out everyone's strengths and weaknesses we, all together - can decide the best general course of action for each of us." (Tatiana:) Tatiana listened to Shade talk about leaders and the way he used his unique instrument to punctuate his remarks. She took a note or two for future reference. As usual, his delivery was well done. The mages get their heads together, and talk of arcane matters .... (Kaeyar): And spellcasters, if we want to spend some time trading spells tonight, shall we just swap spell lists by e-mail? I'm game... (Arlon:) This is fine with Arlon, if there is time tonight - which we probably won't know till tomorrow; but Arlon will only trade spells on a 1 for 1 basis, it is a habit he picked up as he dealt with other mages in his life. (Shade:) Shade does want to trade spells, one for one is good. (Tatiana:) Tatiana overheard the request to trade spells and she added her voice to the group. "I too have some spells I'm willing to trade, and wish to learn others given the time!" (Dithion:) Dithion says, "I too, would be very interested in trading spells." (Tatiana:) OOC: How does transcribing a spell into your own spell book work here? Do we need special ink? Special paper, how much time etc Is a spell in a spell book magical (I'd rather it not be. I'd like to see it be just a treaties on a particular spell, so there's no threat of losing a spell from the spell book while transcribing and you can't cast from your spell book!) (Shade:) "Just one last thing: should one of us fail to learn a spell I assume he can retry when more experienced- he smiles - free of charge I mean, am I wrong?" (Tatiana:) "Why yes of course silly. That's what a fair trade is about isn't it?" (Tatiana:) She smiled at Arlon "You are such a charming gentleman, I'll tell you what, I've already arranged for Magic Missile from Shade how about we just trade Mirror Image and Burning hands for Strength and Glitterdust." "I like Glitterdust better cause it's got a prettier name, but I can see the usefulness of Strength. Sounds like a good trade to me." (Arlon:) "Ahh Tatiana, you are a gem - you remind me of myself when I was younger and still with my family - you are a joy everytime I see you. We must also, at some time, share stories of the Ancients since we are both fond of that as well." (Tatiana:) "Perhaps over the campfire sometime. Those are the best times for telling history. Sorta sets the mood, if you know what I mean." She looked up as a thought came to her, "What ever came of that potion bottle? Did you all find out what is was?" (Falrun:) Turning to Arlon, "Yes, I too am curious about what was determined about the potion. Did you learn anything? And when is it that we should go and see Mendahl? I don't want to disturb him when it is inconvenient. I know how touchy some wizards can be." (Arlon:) "The discovery of this potion was of dire news to both Daermon and Mendahl. It is a transformation potion that in the words of Daermon 'caused their souls to be sold, and their prowess increased'. It is the blackest evil. This continent seems to be the home of evil on this world, the creatures are vicious and cunning, there seems to be no concept of healing to native spellcasters. They are Demon summoners and necromancers, they care not for the lives of others. Mendahl said there would be an increase on the bounty for native wizards. It seems we are going to have a difficult fight on our hands with any mission we undertake. We discussed other things but came to no conclusions, Mendahl had some .. uh .. pressing business to take care of" He gives Shade a sideways glance and a short smile. (Shade:) "Yep Arlon, things were going to be hairy for Master Mendahl - he grins - definitely silver haired. - then more seriously - I do think you did forget nothing, my friend, I would just add a warning: - he stares at the companions - we have to take double care in dealing with these wretched shamen, the one who deals with demons is a very hateful man. As I witnessed myself in the underworld losing one's life is sorry, but losing one's soul is worst." Some of the arguments prove too much for one of us to stand .... (Keilan:) Keilan listens to the topics fly fast and furious, and then stands up as he finishes his drink. "Thank you for the drink, Kaeyar." "Good evening, all." With that Keilan leaves the tavern and the discussions behind. (Tatiana:) She watched Keilan walk away "Some of us trust that we will work things out and leave the details to those that like to argue. He is a wise man." (Arlon:) Arlon says this to whoever is near him, this is after Keilan leaves. "I am a little worried about Keilan, I am not sure if he feels alienated from us or if its just his nature to be more solitary - he seems more hardened than a man of his age should be. I am sure of his ability; but I hope he gets closer with us." OOC: I am role-playing here, this is just Arlon's current impression of Keilan's recent reactions. (Falrun:) Falrun then settles in and finishes his meal and enjoys the company of the remaining group. Some of the party are still wounded from last night .... (Silver:) After all the discussions over leaders, names and treasure, Silver will ask generally if anyone is still wounded after last night's battle. With an apologetic smile towards Dithion she says "No doubt you are able to take care of yourself, my friend." (Arlon:) To Silver "uh can I still have the heal now :-)" (Silver:) Smiling, Silver will walk round to behind Arlon, gently place her slender hands on either side of his head. "Close your eyes, Arlon. Feel the warmth of the love Mielikki shows her children." Arlon's face calms almost immediately, and he relaxes in Silver's hands. His breathing becomes much steadier, and he feels a gentle warmth spread from his head down the rest of his body. The process takes almost a full minute, and at last Silver will remove her hands and return to her seat, a small smile on her face. OOC: 5hp curing to Arlon. "How do you feel now, Arlon ? And the rest of you ?" (Arlon:) "Very good, I have no more itch from those burn areas, thank you." (Tatiana:) Looking to Arlon as Silver heals him. She grins as Arlon relaxes under her healing touch. "About your offer of loaning your staff, Arlon - I'm proficient in the staff but not specialized in it's use as I am in long sword and daggers. But I also don't have a magical blade, so if no other needs it I could use it." "I too am hurt but not too bad (34 out of 38). So don't worry about me unless I'll cause problems tomorrow on our job interview? I've got a lot to do tonight too before retiring. Spells to transcribe, a ballad for Tier Breche, sleep, and a busy day tomorrow. Damn I don't have any ink or quills, I hope I can get some somewhere and they don't cost more than ... " She opens her purse strings "four golden lions." (Kaeyar:) When Silver comments on healing, Kaeyar perks up, and shyly asks "Fair lady, I am still wounded from last night, and would be grateful for your aid." OOC: Am at 23 out of 31 -- oops, except I leveled and haven't rolled new hitpoints yet. Anyway, whatever I'm now at, I'm down 8 from max. (Silver:) Moving over to Kaeyar, Silver examines him slightly more carefully. His wounds seem to be more from blows than from fire, and Silver will then pick two of the worst areas - Kaeyar's arm and hip. Very gently, Silver will place her hands on these areas and close her eyes. Kaeyar may be the only one able to hear her say "My Goddess, grant me the power once more to ease the pain of one of your valiant children. He has borne the pain too long." Kaeyar will feel a deep warmth within his body near where Silver's slender fingers touch him. OOC: 3hp back to Kaeyar. (Silver:) If any are feeling slightly below par, Silver will obtain some hot water from one of the waitresses, and remove some crushed leaves from her belt pouch. When they are added to the water, they release a curiously fragrant aroma. "An old recipe I was taught once" she says to any inquiring glances. Silver will take a few sips from the mixture. "I would like to examine any wounds that you may have, to ensure they are properly cleaned and dressed." This she will do to any who need help, offering them some of the drink at the same time. (Falrun:) "Yes, Silver, I have a cut or two that would fair better with a little care. I could use some first aid. My wounds are too minor for any real healing spells." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (DM:) Okay. Tarok did not post anything really, so I guess he is off the list for good now.