--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Chapter 17: At Last, The Daemons Are Vanquished ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- The party have finally finished the threat of the last daemon .... (Falrun:) After the daemon drops to the floor, Falrun will drop the staff to the ground and pull out his long sword. "Hit me, will you?" he screams as he starts chopping off the head of the daemon. (Assuming normal weapons will damage the corpses, now that they are lifeless.) (Tatiana:) Tatiana's voice quavered as the creature slumped to the ground. "Stab it again to make sure it's dead!". (Silver:) The Silver Bear bellows in rage at the falling daemon, and continues to do so for a moment after it falls and lies still. The bear then shrinks down, and transforms back into the form of Silver. OOC: Shapechange to bear form healed 8hp and back to human 5hp. Silver is still down 13hp. The battle now has it's effect, and she sits on the ground, trembling from the shock. Looking at the blood/ichor on her arms, she then looks blankly around at her friends, all busily involved in various tasks. (Shade:) When the daemon falls dead, Shadowdancer stays still, weapons ready, for a moment, almost dazed by the sudden end of the butchery. Then, when the rush of adrenaline subsides, he collapses to the ground in a sitting position, legs crossed, arms outstretched, weapons still in hand and head reclined between his knees. "Foul beasts they are" - he shivers deeply - "I have never understood the passion of my kin in summoning daemons." (Falrun:) Falrun will continue his vengeful hacking until either he tires or someone pulls him off. Once the head has been separated, he will continue chopping through the rest of the body. "I said I'd have your head!" (Shade:) In a flash of feline movement he gets up and sheathes his swords. (Falrun:) Falrun continues to hack at the lifeless body of the daemon when suddenly a puzzled look comes over his face. He moves his sword back and forth a little in the stomach of the beast and then plunges his hand into the corpse. (Shade:) "Stop this Falrun" - he quietly steps near his comrade and gently pulls his shoulder (taking care not to touching his wounds) - "We need your strength for better purposes than hacking dead daemons ...." (Falrun:) After feeling around for a minute, he pulls out a handful of gems and yells, "Hey everybody, look what I found!" (Shade:) He casts a casual glance at the gems - "Hmmmm, maybe you're just doing the right thing Falrun. Let's have a look of this beast's taste for valuables." (Falrun:) It turns out that Falrun discovered about four or five gems in the stomach of the beast. "I don't know how valuable these gems are, but they're almost as big as my fist. They certainly should be worth something decent. Maybe one of you can tell their value." After holding up the gems for Shade to see, Falrun takes a look at himself. His sleeves are sagging heavily from the blood and gore of the daemon and he did a pretty good job of covering the rest of himself with nondescript pieces of the dead daemon. (Tatiana:) "Arlon? What if anything is worth recovering from a daemon for magical purposes?" (Arlon:) "There very well could be something, but I have not run across what that is yet. Shade will probably have a better understanding than me." (Dithion:) Dithion immediately takes off his pack, and pours oil onto the daemons. He then proceeds to light them on fire. "They may regenerate." (Shade:) Shade interrupts what Dithion is doing, saying "Let me take out what may be of any use before incinerating them, Dithion." (Shade:) The drow goes to the lobsters and begins opening their body with a surgeon-like ability "I was trained as master torturer you know" - he winks to his slightly disgusted friends and collects some of the dark ichor flowing out of the gashes at the same time - "This may result in something useful for the Alchemist, Daermon S'Zrida'hn." (Arlon:) "Shade, could you get some samples for me also, Daermon may be very interested in them indeed." (Tatiana:) Tatiana looked around the room, the two dead lobster daemon's blood was dripping into the illuminated pool, dying it an eerie red color. "So was that trident worth the trouble?" she said looking back to the dead rotund daemon. (Silver:) Silver will recover the owl-headed staff from the floor near the rotund daemon where Falrun dropped it. (Falrun:) He begins to walk towards the pool and says to Silver as she's picking up her staff, "Sorry about not giving your staff back directly. I got kind of caught up in my emotions of the situation. I hope you can forgive me. I'll have to make it up to you some time." When he reaches the pool (assuming the water level has returned to normal) he walks down the steps to a point where he is neck deep in the water and begins to wash his clothes, hair, and anything else that is contaminated with gore. (Arlon:) "Superb fighting, warriors! That was one tough demon, I was ready to try the trident on it. Well, I guess this is an obvious point to stop and heal ourselves. Since I was only lightly bruised, I'll go out and see how Keilan and Kaeyar are doing and calm things down if need be. I better transform into myself before I go out. Maybe we should torch them as Dithion suggested." (Tatiana:) "I'd say we did all we can today. If we get any more surprises like that we won't be around to finish the job for Mindak." (Arlon:) "We may have to go on soon or risk losing the job altogether. We'll just have to be more careful. Besides, once we get into the caves we could probably rest awhile." He says with a smile. (Shade:) Still opening the monster's belly the drow keeps talking "We need to go on our previous mission as soon as possible, you know, we cannot afford to stop now, or we will surely catch the name Keilan is so fond of giving us: 'the fools'." - he strips a gland out of the body and puts it aside - "We must complete our task or we may never find another job. We will be known as those that had been called to kill a canary and were almost killed by the dragon they foolishly awakened." - he turns and raises his ichor stained hand to prevent anyone from objecting - "I know, I know" - he purposely looks at Dithion - this is not the truth, we had to do what we have done, if this room had been discovered by a casual miner instead of brave warriors as we are" - he bows to himself smiling - "the daemons would have been unleashed in the town" - he shivers at the thought and turns back to his anatomical work - "nevertheless our fame and name is seriously endangered: we need to go, almost immediately." Then looking at how badly hurt some of his companions are "Uh, maybe some of us had better go to the Commons anyway." - he sighs - "I'm not so foolhardy as it may seem but I'm willing to try to complete this task alone if necessary." He turns to Dithion and smiles "But I'm confident I won't need to go alone, am I wrong my oh so adventurous friend?" (DM:) By the bye, Shade's autopsy on the Lobsters comes up with nothing but gore and entrails and such fun stuff. It appears only the Reptilian Daemon had the taste for gemstones... (Shade:) The drow finally emerges from his gruesome task "Yuk! Nothing of immediate interest here - he goes to wash himself a little in the pool - but I have found some interesting samples to show, and maybe sell," - he winks at Arlon and Kaeyar - "to Daermon and Wyvernspur." OOC: I have taken samples of any tissue of possible interest and of the pseudo-blood from both the lobsters and the spider. (Tatiana:) "How about we take a break and find out how Kaeyar and Keilan are doing?" (Dithion:) After burning the corpses of the daemons, he says, "Who needs healing?" (Shade:) I'll be the last in the queue, I'm not so bad." (Silver:) *Good, I am not needed here for the moment* Silver thinks. She heads out of the cavern, and as she passes by Tatiana, says "I am going up to find Keilan now. I can't express how much I appreciated your song, 'Ana, it kept me going when I might have fled this dark place" (Falrun:) When he has finished washing, he will come out of the pool, clothes dripping, and put the gems in his belt pouch. "If nobody objects, I'll hang on to these until we get back to town." (Dithion:) Dithion rinses in the pool, and shakes his head. "This armor is ruined!" He curses under his breath and says, "Wait up Arlon ... before you go, I will heal some of these people." Dithion then starts administering to the injured... (Falrun:) He walks up to Dithion, "I have only suffered a relatively minor hit (13 hp). I will accept healing but please see to the more seriously injured people first." (Dithion:) He chants several times. Silver 7 back; Falrun 3+7 back; Me! 16+5 back. Then he follows after Falrun in the hall.... (Silver:) "Thank you, Dithion. I feel so much better now, thanks to your kind prayer and healing touch." Silver smiles warmly. (Shade:) "Well Dithion" - interjects Shade - "if you have some healing power left I'd like to give you the opportunity to use it" - a broad smile - "after all I'm quite a bit battered." OOC: About 25hp left out of 45. (Dithion:) Dithion says, "I have one more healing left." He chants for a moment and lays hands on Shade. (14 back) While Arlon, Silver and Tatiana go out to see how their companions who fled screaming are, the rest of the party go about various tasks .... (Falrun:) "Right now I'd like to check out the room down the hall and to the right this time, however, I don't want to have anybody pick anything up until we are all ready for what ever decides to come out. I'm hoping that it will be a pretty much deserted room with no more surprises but I'd rather be sure." (Shade:) Before Falrun goes to the pedestal room Shade will catch his friend by the arm "Wait a minute Falrun, some of us had never seen a daemon before and this has been a _REAL_ shaking experience: we have to reassert our unity as a group first of all, Silver was very frightened but I do not doubt she will be back with us soon" - a warm smile lightens his dark features at the thought of the nice kind lady, then clouds of worry coagulate on his forehead - "But I have heard some harshness in Keilan's voice during the fight. Our first task is to have back the complete trust between each other: a group is not a group otherwise." He cross arms and waits from his friend reply a serious expression depicted on his face. (Falrun:) Falrun will then look around, making sure the dead bodies don't move on their own accord, put one of the lobster bodies in the door way of the secret passage to make sure the door doesn't close before we're ready for it to and other "tidying up" kinds of things. Next, Falrun will check for traps at the door of the other room. (DM:) The room to the right is found to be an identical twin to the one on the left as far as size etc is concerned, however, it is only filled with racks half rotted away containing rows of badly preserved robes and caps. All the garments are white in colour, and some still have the remnants from what appear to have been gold-thread tridents on the middle of their backs and smaller ones over the hearts. Any extensive searches for secret doors fail to yield anything else. The pearls are still in the basins, and the Daemon abominations are rapidly decaying. From the rate you would say that in ten hours or so, no one would see anything but blood stains that there had ever been such a battle in these chambers... Arlon, Tatiana and Silver arrive at the top of the stairs to find Kaeyar, Keilan and Mindak .... (Arlon:) Arlon again morphs into himself and heads back out. (Tatiana:) Tatiana stepped out of the cave and took a deep breath of fresh air, and released it with a slight tremble. "Whew! That was hairy in there!" Tatiana stood near Mindak and the others that had exited the cavern. She was still covered in gore, she hadn't thought to clean up before coming out into the light of day. Her wounded side was still bleeding badly and her shoulder was cradled as if it was very sore. OOC: down 14 out of 38 "I think we should get some people down in there to clean out the mess we made. It's gonna stink up the place pretty bad real soon if it's not taken care of." She tossed her blood smeared hair back. "Eww, I need a bath as well!" (Arlon:) "You always take another plunge into the water filled corridor. :)" Arlon turns to Mindak standing nearby and says "The creatures had us off balance for a moment; but we soon rallied and made carrion feed of them." Arlon tries to sound very confident, as if to say the fight wasn't that difficult and that Mindak chose the right group for the job. "We should be able to move out in a little while." (Silver:) When Silver arrives upstairs, she will find Keilan, and hopefully Kaeyar. "Keilan, your arm !" and for the moment, she forgets her own troubles and gently holds his arm. She will invoke two spells, concentrating first on his battered shoulder, then on his gashed forearm. "Mielikki, I hold your child, as you hold all of us, Your child hurts, he needs your kindness, Allow him the ease from pain and anguish That comes from your loving embrace" OOC: 2 Cure Lights, 4hp and 6hp cure (Keilan:) Keilan was outside and was visited by Arlon, Tatiana and Silver. Silver laid some minor healing on Keilan's ravaged arm (not even close to the full damage he's taken on that one arm). Still, Keilan manages to move it a bit more freely and seems satisfied for the moment. (Arlon:) When he sees Keilan and Kaeyar he says "The creatures have been disposed of and we are in the process of cleaning up. Do you feel up to returning to the temple, I know the screech of these creature can be very disturbing." (Silver:) Turning her face to Keilan, Silver adds "Yes, Keil, I think even we may be needed, even though our help is sorely limited down there." She looks questioningly at Keilan. (Tatiana:) As the others talk about having to go back down into the cave to finish the job, Tatiana grimaced and said "I don't really want to go back down in there right now." "Perhaps we could take a break for a little while first. Then when we do go back down we can just chart areas of interest first instead of plunging into trouble right away!" "Besides, since I'm not rich enough to buy a magical sword yet, and I think that's a necessary piece of equipment for the cave, I think we should take our time and get the job done right." "I'll leave the decisions up to those who know best" she said with a carefree smile (Silver:) When Keilan feels the wounds partially close and the pain ease somewhat, leaving just an ache around his shoulder and a tenderness down his arm, Silver will hold him close and say quietly "You were right, Keil, we belong under the sky, in Her realm. I will need courage to venture down there again. Will you tell me more of the forests you traveled back home? It is childlike, I know, to listen to stories to shield your thoughts from fear, but it would make it a little more bearable." (Keilan:) Keilan says, "I'm not moving until my arm is whole again. Nor til I'm convinced the beast you fools brought forth is gone." (Tatiana:) Arlon had made his appearance, reassuring all that everything was fine. Silver took Keilan's arm in an attempt to quell his temper which was about to explode. That much was evident on his face by his furrowed brow. Tatiana held her tongue, this needed to boil over and be set straight. Tatiana knew woodsmen well for she had trained as one before opting for the life as a bard instead. She knew they were frank and didn't hide their emotions. Rangers, in her experience, always handled a problem in a straightforward fashion. She couldn't think of anything to stop what was about to occur, and so shrugged her shoulders and watched the event unfold. (Silver:) "Keil, as I said before, your presence calms me greatly", and if he does not object, Silver will walk with him, holding his (undamaged) arm. (Keilan:) Keilan shrugs off Silver's arm, saying distractedly "Thank you Silver. Your kind words are appreciated. But I have something more important to attend to than words of home right now." (Arlon:) "Keilan, let me tell you something, I may be arrogant and pompous, I may have the pride of my race and be a snob at times; but I DO NOT LIE - I may exaggerate though - and I DO NOT leave my friends in battle. If you do not believe my words when I say that the creatures are dead, then you would not believe me even if I had a piece of the beast with me. The only way to convince yourself is to go and look upon the scene with your own eyes!" (Silver:) "Hush now, Arlon. No-one doubts your honour, nor your valour. But some of us," she nods, indicating Keilan and herself, "have experienced nothing like that before. Shaken badly, we say things in haste. But you are right, Arlon, we must stay together, even if that means going down again." (Keilan:) Keilan stands silently as he is spoken to by Arlon stepping close to look Arlon straight in the eye. Assuming whisper mediates this in my favor: **** WHAM **** Arlon receives what is undoubtedly the hardest punch he has ever felt. It slowly dawns on him that the potion Keilan drank is likely still in effect. It also dawns on him that the blow would have hurt a lot worse if Keilan had hit him anywhere but the sternum, jolting his bones more than anything else. Keilan stands over Arlon in a greater rage than any he's had in battle. "YOU DARE! I should tear you limb from limb for your foolishness that has cost me much!" With that Keilan turns and storms back down into the mine halting for nothing, except to pause at the entrance for a moment before muttering "It's worth the risk." (Tatiana:) Surprise took her face as Keilan hauled off and punched Arlon in the stomach, and was too stunned to follow him into the mine shaft at first. (Arlon:) Arlon gets up slowly, rubbing his stomach, his eyes will flare a deeper blue and he gets some stuff out of his pouch and begins to make hand motions. He then stops (maybe due to divine intervention) and says softly "No, I will not sink to his level. Fool?! All he need do is look into a mirror to see a true fool." He then turns to look at Silver. (Silver:) Silver just stands there, mouth wide open in astonishment. Like a fish out of water, she looks at the back of Keilan, then over to Arlon getting up, and back again. "Wha.. I.. Uhh.. Wuh.." and then she gives up. Still astonished at what has happened, she will not be collected enough to stop Arlon in his spellcasting motions. "Arlon," she says after a while, "I just don't understand..." OOC: This is *brilliant* roleplaying - I *love* it !! Trouble is, Silver doesn't !! (Arlon:) To Silver alone, he says "He has no idea how close he came to dying, I will not tolerate such actions again!" OOC: You know, I used to like Rangers. (Silver:) "Now you show true nobility, Arlon. I am impressed by your restraint. Keilan is not that different from some other Rangers I have known. He is not easily distracted, that is for sure. I sense something in his past which makes him so dark at times." (Arlon:) "I thank you for your kind words and I wish I were that noble; but I believe that something higher held me back, as I'm sure you credit Mielikki for some of your actions." "Yes, I have sensed that darkness also. I have known people like him and that's what worries me. He has relied on himself to much, I feel, and that is a trap into darker things." (Tatiana:) Silver comforted Arlon as she was so good at doing. Keilan stormed off into the caves. Arlon and Silver soon followed. Tatiana shrugged her shoulders and followed as well. *You're not going back in there are you?* Tuft's flabbergasted question came as she headed towards the cave. Tatiana sighed heavily *They are my friends, and I must see this to it's resolution* *No you don't! I saw what happened in there! You were so scared it woke me up from a sound sleep!* *Sorry about that. I'll be more careful in the future* she thought back reassuringly *Try to go back to sleep. The excitement should be over. And I'll try to keep my thoughts a little more controlled. * *You shouldn't be down there without a magic sword!* *The Eidolon provides.* And back we go into the darkness once again .... (Silver:) Before we go back down, Silver will ask Arlon "What about that mother of pearl stand in the room where the daemons appeared ? Should we leave that near the altar - although I think the Gods had long since departed that place. We need to stake a claim for the Eidolon, do we not ?" (Arlon:) "I'm not even sure if we could even move the stand." - a look of realization appears on his face - "I forgot all about the pearls Mindak gave us, I wonder if they're still there. You know, it may be a good idea if we donate the stand to the work of the settlement." (Silver:) "Well said, Arlon. I wholeheartedly agree with this generous act. We must all agree on this, though." (DM:) The mother-of-pearl stand is still there. It is finely crafted, and not that large. If so wanted, one person could probably carry it weight-wise, but two would be better to assure it remains whole and intact. It stands about one meter tall, and half a meter wide, but is not solid. Those are the outer dimensions only. It is a frilly thing, a construct of interwoven mermaids and mermen. When Silver and Arlon approach the rest of the party, with Tatiana bringing up the rear, Keilan's voice carries back up the tunnel towards them .... (Keilan:) Silently, Keilan pokes his head through the entrance to the temple for a brief second and scans the room (whether anyone sees this is questionable). And then again for nearly a full second. After a third time he steps into the doorway, peering carefully at the decaying bodies. He gives a little shake and then his face twists and darkens as he clutches his left arm with his right. (I'm really not sure where everyone would be by the time he arrives so ...) Yelling, "Eidolon!," his voice cracking as he call for the group. "Assemble!" Keilan waits till whoever is present at least looks his way. "Who the hell is responsible for this?! Who, in the name of all the gods, brought these cursed creatures here? Which of you is the fool who goes forth where wise men fear to tread? Who chose to let loose the hounds of hell to rip my arm nearly from my body?" Keilan is nearly incoherent and very, very NOT calm. "Someone better tell me why I am following a group of fools who seem intent on getting me killed! I came to this cursed rock to escape death not be given to her clutches because not a single one of you will listen to common sense!" Keilan plunges on holding up his hand to cut off anyone who wants to get a word in. "I voiced my knowledge of the underground: Full of dangers and not fit for mortals, but gave in to the will of the group. THEN you people insisted on raiding this temple that has remained intact for the last few millennia unconcerned why it has stayed that way. WILL someone please tell me WHY?!" Keilan falls silent, apparently waiting for someone to answer him, still giving every sign of being rather hacked off. (Dithion:) Dithion smiles (I assume we all assemble) and bows to Keilan. "Oh, wise one, it was I who summoned the daemons forth by touching the altar within the rooms. However, we have ascertained that this area was not safe...better us than someone else." Then he crosses his arms over his chest and looks at Keilan, waiting for the reaction.... (Silver:) Presumably Arlon and Silver return down to the party, to arrive as Keilan is asking for explanations of foolhardy actions, and Dithion "owns up" 8-) Silver will tighten her grip on Arlon's arm, and look up at him with a worried expression as Keilan's words were carried down the passageway to them. (Arlon:) "Don't worry Silver, I will not cast a spell at him today." Silver and Arlon will then arrive at the entrance, with Tatiana not far behind .... (Tatiana:) Tatiana continued on down into the cavern and heard shouting up ahead she turned the corner into the temple to hear Dithion confess that he had summoned the Demons by accident. She was as surprised as much as Keilan was. She too had thought Arlon had blundered. She would have to say her apologies to Arlon for her lack of respect as well. (Keilan:) "Ascertained this area is not safe? ASCERTAINED THIS AREA IS NOT SAFE!? What was your first damn clue? DID I NOT SAY THAT BEFORE WE CAME DOWN HERE?" (Shade:) Shade turns to the rest of the assembled party. "Let me give him _MY_OWN_ reply" - resolutely states the bard - "then you can say what you think fitting." The drow turns to face Keilan and approaches him a 'til he is just a couple of meters away. "I understand pain, Keilan" - he opens his shirt to show old scars and fresh wounds together - "but we need to coldly analyze the situation not to be madly driven to fury by the adrenaline still in our veins." A split second pause, then, in a calm almost soothing voice. "This was considered a secure, not dangerous part of the mines: what if a casual miner had set of this trap? Those hounds from hell would have torn him apart, wouldn't they? And then? They would have wreaked havoc inside the mines and around the town." A sigh. "We had the questionable luck of setting off the trap, taking the fire on our own skin instead of letting it burn innocent people: I consider this enough of a reason to justify this battle. Besides, common sense stated this was an uninteresting and completely known part of the caves: it showed to be neither." The drow steps closer to the ranger and, looking him straight in the eyes, puts a hand, as slightly as he can, on his uninjured shoulder "I cannot force you to think what was done was the right thing, but it will be very sad if the warm friendship that was born within us on the ship will crumble to dust so soon." (Keilan:) Keilan knocks Shade's hand from his shoulder. "If these creatures had come forth to harm the innocents above, I would have given my life in defense of my home and theirs. I do not enjoy fighting the way you seem to. Killing and pain seem to be your pleasures, the way you talk as you fight. It makes me ill when it is a pointless and fruitless battle such as this one. And the most sad thing I can think of is having one of *US* crumble to dust because some FOOL got us attacked by demons." (Shade:) The drow eyes get icily cold at Keilan's words, and in a tone without any clue of emotions he replies "If you were right I would be a master torturer and a house prince in one of the most powerful families in the underworld. Take your time to meditate about this Keilan." The drow turns to the rest of the group "I have said what I think had to be said, it's up to you all now, but try to let not harshness embitter your words and thoughts." (Tatiana:) She listened to the conversation, but walked over to the pool of lit water. She shed her pack of magical components and perishable material, and took a step into the pool to clean her wounds more thoroughly. She winced as the salt water burned her wounds but endured the pain till her wounds were clean. She finished cleaning herself off and started to clean her goods as well as she listened to the argument in the center of the temple. She took her time to make sure she was attractive again even in the dungeon. (Arlon:) OOC: Arlon will be following a good distance behind Keilan, Silver will be with Arlon. When Arlon gets back to the Temple he will just stand at the cave mouth, as Keilan interacts with the others. Arlon says in a deep booming voice - as much as an elf can "Keilan, I did not appreciate your attack on me and I cannot tolerate a similar action against me or any other in the group again. There is good reason why I am called 'The Avenger'. The fool is neither humble or compassionate as neither you seem to be. Take the log out of your eye before you try to take a speck out of someone elses" - Arlon's face saddens - "I must leave, your hypocrisy causes me pain." (Keilan:) Keilan spits toward Arlon. "Attack? If I had attacked you, you would not stand here now. I merely made my point clear, even clear enough for a wax-eared elf." (Arlon:) Arlon will not really be listening to Keilan. He turns, and starts to make gestures as if casting a spell. He seems to end his gestures in front of his body - no one can see his hands as he slips a ring on his finger and then disappears. He will then move off silently down the cave, as only an elf can, and wait for the group to come past. (Shade:) The drow collapses to the ground wailing in frustration "Why, why! Lloth damn me, why we are fighting each other this way!" - he stares at Keilan - "Was it really so sweet punching your friend, Ranger? What was the need for violence between companions?" - and before Keilan, and anyone else too, can interject he adds - "and try to chill out a bit and be honest with yourself before spitting a venomous retaliation!" Shade crosses arms and waits. (Falrun:) Coming out of the secret passage Falrun watches as the scene plays out before him. First Keilan's ranting, then the party trying to placate him, so on and so forth. When all of the commotion has died down he will approach the party and say, "Are we now ready to continue with fulfilling our end of the contract? If everyone has cooled down enough and is rested enough, I think we should get on with exploring these tunnels." "If someone wants to donate the stand to something or other, the dwarves can deliver it while we get our job done." Falrun then glances at the remains of the daemons and turns back to Keilan, "These creatures may have been difficult to overcome but would you have rather been in the 'outdoors' and run into one of the native's battle dinosaurs? I don't think they would have been such easy victims." (Keilan:) "I had no idea this was an easy battle. I did not know I was in the presence of so great a warrior. A thousand pardons." "As for the lizards, what makes you think one could ever find me in the forest? I could disappear faster than Arlon out there. And neither man nor beast could find me." Keilan listens quietly to the next few bits of conversation. (Falrun:) "Anyway, that's behind us now, I don't know what went on between you and anybody else that has Silver so upset, but let's get this contract completed and then we can settle our differences and be done with each other if that is what you feel is the best course of action." "I'm for continuing on, anybody have any objections?" (Shade:) The bard gets up "You know I'm with you, Falrun, I'd like to have back the rest of our companions too." (Dithion:) Dithion says, "I would like to have Arlon back at least." His tone , as well as his glaring at Keilan, indicate who he wish were not back. (Silver:) "Falrun speaks with wisdom, as always. I think - or rather hope - that Arlon will be keeping an eye on our progress, and will be able to join us if he is needed. Lets try and keep ourselves together, friends" (Shade:) "Hope you are right, Silver" - sighs the bard, then, turning to Keilan - "Will you come with us? I mean no taunt, I understand this is not what you were born for, still, I will really appreciate your coming with us friend, and I also appreciated the way you fought the daemon before its magical influence made you and Kaeyar run away." (Keilan:) "And just what purpose will I serve underground and with only one hale arm? I can barely fight and it seems if I am to travel with the mighty Eidolon that is all I can expect. I don't even have an enchanted weapon which seems to be an essential where this party treads. Until you return to the world above, I have no purpose with you." Keilan's fire has gone out and now he seems very tired rather than full of the exhilaration of anger. Keilan makes his way out of the caverns and returns to the surface (after any further conversation). (Shade:) "Right," - sighs Shade - "you're tired, see you at the commons." (Dithion:) Dithion shrugs as Keilan goes. He turns to the rest and says, "I am not going to beg him to stay with us. From the onstart he has only been argumentative and insulting. I plan on finishing this contract with Mindak, I hope you will all do the same. I do not know what his problem is, but it certainly would seem that he does not want us around. Now maybe you have all known him longer than I, but I just don't like to work that hard for such a knave." (Shade:) "Try not to be so conclusive with him, Dithion," - interjects the drow - "he is a ranger, he has devoted his life to the wilderness. These caves surely upset him. When this situation has sedimented a little we will easily find a solution to our quarrel." "At least I hope." he mutters to himself (Dithion:) Dithion nods to Shade, "Perhaps you are correct, I have always been one to see things without shades of grey. " He smiles and says, "Perhaps he will join us later." (Silver:) As Keilan turns, his angry speech finished, Silver goes to him once more. Those nearest can see she has tears in her eyes. "My dearest Keil, I just don't understand what you want from me. I cannot beg you to stay with us, but my heart grieves all the more for not knowing why you pain so. Your arm can be healed, but your deeper pain is the one which I do not comprehend." "As a friend, I ask once more. I will not beg you, as begging for compassion has never worked. But will you not stay with us ?" Silver looks with anguish at Keilan. (Keilan:) Keilan looks thoughtful as Silver begs him to stay. He reaches out and wipes her tears with one hand. "I will need my staff. I dropped it when we fought in the hidden chamber where the demons first appeared. You remind me of my little sister, Hope, and never could I refuse her wishes." Keilan walks with Silver back into the chamber to retrieve his staff. (Silver:) Silver stops her silent tears, but still does not fully meet the eyes of the other party members as she and Keilan return to the group. (Keilan:) To Silver: "You will have to teach me of Mielikki. I do not know much of the gods and goddesses, but she must be a gentle and loving goddess to have one such as you in her service. My mother always counseled prayer and devotion to a holy order, but I was never convinced. Perhaps she was right after all." (Silver:) Silver will take his undamaged arm, and walk with him back towards the party. Her expression is one of worry and guilt, as if she is extremely concerned that what she has done will cause more friction. If possible she will stay next to Keilan, in silence (unless Keilan wants to talk). (Tatiana:) Tatiana finished dressing again after cleaning up in the pool of water. Tempers had flared and subsided, and she felt it was time for her to speak before Keilan left the cavern. She cleared her throat to get everyone attention. Silence captured the temple as all attention focused on Tatiana. She smiled disarmingly as if she knew something important. Her attractiveness was still evident even in stressful situations as they currently were in. She let the silence hold a bit longer then spoke. "I think I know exactly how Keilan feels" she started softly. "My arm is not as bad as his, but it hurts terribly, My side is extremely tender as well. And why I ask myself?" "Tuft my dearest friend can't sleep during the day cause I'm underground searching catacombs. I've been born and raised to love the outdoors and here we are searching the underground. It's foreign to me and more than a bit uncomfortable." "I came to this new continent for reasons of my own, that will remain private for the time being. But I didn't came all the way across the ocean to crawl through some cave. There's a lush and beautiful world out there to be explored and tamed. That's one of the reason I choose this place to come to." "I think Keilan is fully justified in his frustration at what happened." (Silver:) Silver nods slightly at this, but says nothing. (Tatiana:) She paused and looked at Keilan "I don't understand his crude behavior though. His actions have been rude and inexcusable. Physical violence was uncalled for!" (Silver:) Silver looks slightly guilty again at Tatiana's words. But still, she says nothing. (Tatiana:) "All bickering aside. I'm in no condition to continue today. I can not hold a sword properly with this arm, and I am out of spells as well." "All in all I think today is over for me." "If the Eidolon needs me though I am here to help as best I can." (Dithion:) Dithion then shrugs again, he does not seem very happy about how this whole situation is going. He says, "I wish Arlon would come back...at least he was someone you could trust to be at your side." (Falrun:) Falrun is interested in continuing with exploring the caves, but after realizing the state that the party, as a whole is in, he will also be willing to wait a day for the rest of the party to heal. "I wish to get this contract out of the way, but if some of us are in such poor condition, it may be wiser to take a day off and rest up. I think we should first confer with Mindak to find out how urgent the need for the exploration of these tunnels is. If the time be too pressing then maybe those who feel up to it should continue on and those who need rest should head back to the Commons and meet with us when we get back from this days exploration." If everyone is then agreed, Falrun will then lead the party out of the temple area to find Mindak so that Mindak can tell them where to go for the main tunnel area. (Tatiana:) Carefully Tatiana followed the rest up to the surface for the second time and talked with Mindak. Since she wasn't feeling so good in the first place she kept quiet, and let the others talk with Mindak. (Silver:) Silver and Keilan were walking together near the back of the party as they emerged from the tunnels to talk to Mindak. (Arlon:) Invisible, Arlon will follow about 20 meters behind the group as they head toward the surface to talk to Mindak.