---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Chapter 33: Surprises within surprises --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All but Keilan followed Mendahl out of the war room, having been told that in their absence, Lady Shilara, Daermon and Lord Clasp had been assassinated .... (DM:) You follow the mage, subdued by all the things witnessed, and are almost oblivious to the throngs of troops massing in 'The Wide'. Townsfolk stand to, some walking around with sacks of water from Clearwater Brook, to aid the poor soldiers that are unused to the humidity and heat. At one point you even spot a huddle of cleric apprentices aiding some troops that fainted under the hard beating sun in their armour and other clothing ill-suited for the environment here. The mage nods greetings to people here and there, many seem to avoid his gaze, their eyes filled with pity and sympathy for the loss of Shilara. When one of you makes to speak or attract the Mage's attention, he will shush you, and tell you to wait until you have safely arrived at the Pentagon. (Arlon:) As they make their way towards Mendahl's tower, Arlon will be focused in thought. (Mendahl:) It takes some time through the heavy traffic of people, but you finally manage to reach the wizard's tower. Mendahl looks about furtively, as though afraid of someone spying on you or following you. He snarls and mutters under his breath upon seeing a Drow clad in leather armor sneaking in a shadowy alley nearby. When the mage seems satisfied with whatever he is doing/watching out for, he puts forth his palm on the base of the tower, and a gaping hole into the tower's innards appears. He motions you all to go ahead in front of him, and as he takes the rear, he moves in carefully, as though to ensure nothing can sneak into the tower as you enter it. Inside is a wide set of stairs, and he motions you to take the one spiraling up leftwards. Those of you who have not been here before are somewhat startled that the inside of the tower is many times greater than the outside. 'Wizards' you think with a glance at Arlon ;-). Even those who have been here before notice that the inside is different than before. (Arlon:) Arlon beams with pride as they get to Mendahl's tower. He hurries inside to get protection from the outside. (Silver:) As Silver enters the Pentagon for the first time, she looks at the size of the inside compared to the outside, and says enigmatically "Just like a tree ...." (DM:) The stairs lead to a large oaken door. Mendahl tells whoever is up top first to knock three times. The door swings open, and an anxious looking Shilara stands in the room ! The room is a comfortable study, the walls ringed with shelves containing arcane looking gimmicks and books. Skulls, urns, a crystal ball, clear jars with dead(?) creatures and plants in them etc etc. (Silver:) Opening the door, Silver is just about to turn to Mendahl to offer him sympathy for his loss, then sees Shilara standing there. Silver's jaw almost hits the floor in surprise. "Wha .. Uh .. Oh, My Lady !" she exclaims, and realizes suddenly that her own robe is in tatters, a lot of her silvered hair gone. She blushes deeply, obviously embarrassed. (Arlon:) As the door is opened to the chamber and he sees Lady Shilara, Arlon will give a smile and look toward Mendahl. Once fully inside he says: "I knew a mere assassin could not lay low a Dragon!" (Tatiana:) Tatiana's heart skipped a bit when she saw Shilara and the others. Not that she had fawned over her like Silver did but she was well pleased that she was alive. She smiled broadly and started to feel good again. Despite the draft she felt through her scorch marked clothing. (DM:) Also in the room are Daermon and some guy you have never seen before. The third man is bookish, and looks at you with a fascinated look through his bespectacled greying face. As you enter, Daermon and the other man stand up to greet you. Daermon looks weary and haggard, his cheeks sunken in, and his eyes deeply retreated into his sockets. He looks more dead than alive. The other man looks fine, if old and eccentric. He shakes his hands from the entanglement of his brown and red robes, and speaks. (Archion:) "Hello members of the Eidolon! I have soo wanted to meet you! The first people to prove that humans traveled here during the Core Wars! Ahh. What tales you must have to tell me. Oh sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Archion Thissel. A sage of sorts." (Arlon:) Arlon almost falls over, he never dreamed he would be in Archion Thissel's company. Arlon bows to him and says: "I am honoured to be in the presence of the foremost authority on the Ancients." (Tatiana:) Tatiana was surprised to find the sage on this wild continent. "Archion Thissel? _THE_ Archion Thissel? Why I've modeled some of my best ballads around your work!" She stepped forward to shake his hand. "It's an honour to meet you sir." (Archion:) When Tatiana and Arlon praise the sage, Archion Thissel blushes, and shuffles his feet, not knowing how to take such remarks. (DM:) Those schooled in the ancient history recognize the name immediately. The man is the foremost authority on that period. His works are famous in the sageistic community, and his findings regarded as fact. When Mendahl enters, he flicks his hand, and enough comfortable chairs appear to accommodate all. He asks if anyone wants anything to eat or drink, and will insist on providing nourishment to all before explaining anything. (Daermon:) The enigmatic Daermon only takes a single glass of blue wine from the Drow homelands, while Archion Thissel sets upon a full plate of mutton, shrooms and spiced potatoes. (Tatiana:) "And maybe a change of clothing?" she asked hopefully. Now that they were back in civilization (?) she felt uncomfortable in her attire. "I'd like to get out of this chain mail as well. Unless you think I'll be needing it again soon." she asked Mendahl. (Mendahl:) When you mention about being uncomfortable about the scarce/destroyed clothes and wanting to get rid of armour, Mendahl flicks his hand again, and a door appears. "Go through there. You will find a small corridor with rooms to redress and you will also find an assortment of fitting clothes there." Meta: Beyond the door are a door for men and a door for women. Upon opening a chest there, you will find exactly the kind of clothes you were looking for. (Silver:) Finding it increasingly difficult to cover her ragged appearance in front of the Lady, Silver gladly goes through the appropriate door. She chooses one of the silk robes in shimmering colours she finds, and wears just that as she comes out. Her armour, cloak and bracers she places in a pile on a chair. She tried to arrange her hair piled up on top of her head, and looks very elegant and very attractive when she reappears. (Tatiana:) Tatiana took much longer cleaning up than anyone expected but finally she came out dressed very nicely. Though her hair was a bit singed, she had been able arrange it to make her look beautiful again. (Mendahl:) When all are seated and comfy, Mendahl sits in a wide armed chair, and Shilara sits on one of the armrests beside him. Then Mendahl explains. "It happened last night. Natives managed to sneak into our city and attacked key persons. It was a well informed and precise strike. Lords Talon Clasp, Kael, Daermon, me and Shilara were all targets. Lord Kael got lucky - just when the assassin arrived at his bedside, ready to strike at his sleeping form, a guard entered to wake him for the night's rounds of the guards which he usually made. Lord Talon Clasp was not so lucky. Daermon and Shilara were hit as well, I managed to escape thanks to a special guardian spell I had active at the time, which purged the poison from my system. For that was how they attacked. Poisoned daggers and blowpipe darts." (Silver:) While Mendahl speaks, Silver will be listening to him, but looking at Shilara. At one point, she will look over at Daermon, and wave covertly at him, as she has seen him doing to Shade. (Mendahl:) "Shilara survived thanks to her dragon heritage. Daermon's survival is more interesting. As the poison entered his system, being the alchemist he is, he recognized the symptoms, and managed to concoct an antidote. He was near death ere he could make it though, thus his looks." (Tatiana:) After Mendahl speaks, Tatiana asked "You said it was a very well informed attack, where, or how do you think they got such information? (Mendahl:) "Of interest is the type of poison. Daermon is positive *at this the lich-like alchemist nods very surely* that the poison is of Drow manufacture. At first we were puzzled, but when these new Son's of the Empire arrived, we added two and two together. The poison must have been supplied by the Sons of the Empire's Drow allies." "Not wanting to give them the impression their plans failed completely, I have kept Daermon and Shilara locked in the tower, shielded from prying eyes and magics, and declared them all dead." (Silver:) "Well you certainly had me fooled ..." muttered Silver. (Mendahl:) "You understand now that it is vital to know how the DarkHaven Dozen died. Did they die in ambush? Were they also victims of the vile machinations of these vile creatures? We are faced with a tough position. It is clear that the Sons of the Empire wanted us weakened, but it is also painfully clear that we cannot survive alone against the savages." "Lord Kael, unaware of the fact that the Sons were probably responsible for the slayings, realizes that they are an evil lot, but believes that it is the lesser evil. In his mind, the Sons of the Empire are at least civilized and can be talked and reasoned with. Any and all attempts at communication with the savages has failed. The arrival of a huge native army are true - our own magics and scouts have confirmed it. So tell me. What news do you bring?" (Silver:) Silver knows that any tales will be told better by Tatiana or Shade, and details of the enemy strengths and tactics by Falrun or Keilan. The book and other details can be handled well by Arlon. She feels at a loss, and her attention is split between Shilara and looking around the room. (Arlon:) Arlon will first explain the huge army and protections the Gur Rhukar had in place around the temple. (Mendahl:) When you explain about the Gur Rakhar army at the site, Mendahl will speak up. "Hmmm. They were probably positioned there in order to destroy you all. It seems the Sons of the Empire are allied with the creatures, and want us to be weak." (Arlon:) He then skips to the meeting with Saicha, her story and the book written by the ancient mage; which he will hand to Archion along with the signet ring. (Archion:) When he receives the old journal and the sigil ring, he will be ecstatic, and is unable to do anything but flip through the pages. (Tatiana:) Tatiana removed the champions ring that she had found in the large rock by the ocean. "This is another artifact. I believe it is magical but I haven't had time to figure out what it does yet. We found it on a mummified champion from before the core wars age." "Although whether we should continue to call them champions, I don't know anymore. From what I've seen in this new book, I think they were pretty arrogant now." She handed the other ring to the Sage for him to look at. (Archion:) When you bring out the ring from the 'champion' Archion Thissel whistles softly. He puts the ring close to his face, and studies it well. "Hmm. This design is oft used in rings of special protective powers, usually of an elemental kind." He then seems completely submerged in the book, and does not react to anything else for some time, engrossed in the text. (Arlon:) Arlon says that it was Saicha that the surviving members of the DarkHaven Dozen saw and that she was temporarily blinded by memories of the war with our ancient wizards and the betrayal of the Gur when she attacked. He then explains the second audience with Saicha and the rest of the Ardanarzherdar and the task they wanted us to perform. (Mendahl:) When you explain about the Ardanarzherdar and their explanations, Mendahl will look up glad, even Daermon lets out a slight yelp of triumph. "Hah! If the native army is on our side, then we will not have to deal with the Sons of the Empire. Hah! So they are the true enemy eh?" (Tatiana:) Tatiana looked confused. "What a minute. Are you saying that the natives we met at the temple aren't the same natives that attacked us here?" "What makes you say the natives are on our side? Are there two native groups here? One a traitor group called the Gur Rakhar and another group? I'm confused ..." (Archion:) When the issue about the different factions comes up, Archion Thissel straightens his glasses, 'Ahem's', and strikes a pose as though lecturing in one of the mage colleges. "There seem to be the following different groups involved. The alliance of Dark Haven, a diverse group of nations from the old continent who have decided to deliver mutual military support for mutual shares of any wealth gained from this continent." "Then there is the Native Kingdom to the north that Dark Haven has been at war with from the very beginning." "Then there is a Native Empire farther to the North, who are at war with the native Kingdom, and suddenly began to march on us, straight through the Kingdom. Unable and presumably unwilling to oppose the Empire in it's drive to eradicate Dark Haven, the Natives of the Kingdom fled. Whereto as yet unknown, but from your accounts southward. Now in come these 'Ardanarzherdar' who are apparently the Deities and leaders of the Empire, and now have decided to halt the advance of the Imperial Army, and instead fight the last faction, the Sons of the Empire, an alien race who are supposedly the genetically genengineered descendants of the humans who fled the destruction of the Azithian Race Wars and Core Wars some 4000 years ago." "So if all your information turns out to be correct then there are two polarizing factions. The Ardanarzherdar and their Imperial followers and us, against the Sons of the Empire and their Royal native followers. Tossed in are the Drow who seem to support the latter alliance, and from the book you brought, it seems as though there might also be two other nations involved, an empire of Ant-Men, or Formians, and a Yuan-Ti, or Snake-Men kingdom, which supposedly are allied to the Sons of the Empire as well. The opposition seems formidable. Quite formidable. On the other hand, if your news is correct, then at least the Gods are on our side, as they were on Azith Dengg's during the Azithian Race Wars. He managed to bring low the Old Empire with the defeated rabble of unhumans. We should stand a chance." (Arlon:) Arlon continues, relating that once the magic 'wall' was brought down the natives put up a limited battle and headed south - after Tatiana blasted them with the magic bolts from the ring of course. Then the third meeting with the Ardanarzherdar and how they retrieved the DD's items, gave advice/warnings about what is going on and then transporting us back to Dark Haven. He then mentions that when they were making their way toward the temple, the native shamen could cast Fireball and Lightning Bolt. (DM:) All will look very unhappy about the mention of the kinds of magic employed by the natives. They understand that this will mean trouble. (Silver:) The only part she can contribute would be the strength of contact with her Goddess during the Augury she attempted, and perhaps something of the author of the book that Arlon carries. (DM:) Silver's mention of the interest of the Gods in the case will spark a lot of interest and muttering from all. (Arlon:) He will describe the murals on the temple to Archion, and (if possible) cast Tongues and speak the Ardanarzherdar language. He adds: "They don't seem necessarily good; but it seems our enemy is the same as theirs." (Archion:) When the artistry of the Ardanarzherdar is being discussed, Archion Thissel will perk up, and listen attentively, now and then prompting for further detail. When the Sons of the Empire are mentioned as being the descendants of the old humans, he will nod, and grab two books and some loose sheets of papyrus with notes on them, and speak. "Ah Yes. Here is some more things you should read. They will make you better understand the kind of people we are dealing with." Before the party read the books and notes handed over by Archion Thissel, they ask a few more questions .... (Arlon:) After all the explanations are done with he addresses Mendahl again. "Master, I fear our minds are not disciplined enough to shield our thoughts from forms of telepathy. These aliens could find out about many things. (Silver:) Silver mentions "I think that these new Aliens cannot communicate telepathically. Nor do they _seem_ to 'see' us the same way as Saicha did." (Arlon:) "How can you tell they have no telepathic powers?" looking surprised that Silver could have this info. (Silver:) "Why, it was when that strangely subservient drow outside the gates said 'Master! The Grand Magus has sent our telepath the news'. So I assume that the aliens don't hold the telepathic powers, but their drow 'servants' do ..." Silver frowns slightly as if trying to see whether there is a fault with her reasoning. (Arlon:) OOC: I don't see a fault, but there can be more explanations. Limits on how much they can use it or it could be a spell. More importantly though, Arlon doesn't speak Drow so he wouldn't have understood what the drow said. I am assuming Shade would not have told us right away. Anyway, their Grand Magus has telepathic powers, so why not the rest of them - I would assume the Grand Magus is an alien. But we could go on and on - Arlon just doesn't want to take chances as you may have noticed and will be noticing. (Silver:) OOC: I understand your reasoning, and I agree ... but Silver has a quite low intelligence, but high wisdom, so I'm trying to get her to work out some things which are flawed, then play along as if she believes them totally. I also agree about not understanding Drow, but Whisper mentioned that Shade told us what was said - perhaps while we were walking toward the castle - if not, Silver would almost definitely asked him along the way. So I think Arlon is right to question what Silver said and look surprised about it as well. (Mendahl:) When you mention telepathy, Mendahl shakes his head. "Yes, it is an art lost to us. Once known as 'Psionics', the art was also among the things lost in the chaos of the Core and Azithian Race wars. We know little about it, and are unable to prepare adequately for it. None of us know the limitations and strengths of that art." And now they read the books provided by Archion. Arlon reads aloud to save everyone crowding around too much. Tatiana sits by his side, scanning the pages at the same time .... (Archion:) When all dies down a bit, as all think over the implications of what has happened and the current situation, Archion Thissel will give people his books and notes, so they can be read by all. "One is a work on the Azithian Race wars, there are some notes and a work on the beginnings of the Core Wars. I am also cataloguing the various personalities that affected both sides, and the items of power they bore. I have a vast list of the artifacts used in the wars, and have great hopes of one day finding out where they may be hidden and found again. From what Mendahl here says, we may have to do that sooner rather than later, as their use may be critical in fighting people of divine-like power." A Brief and True History of Events During the Azithian Race Wars Or The History of The World: The Ancient Times II Published and Edited By: Archion Thissel, Archeologist And it happened in those days of sunshine and delight, that there were those discontent with the way of things. A certain mage, Azith Dengg by name known, a powerful apprentice of the great and maleficent Whisper, took up the cause of the races dark and dread. Azith Dengg took his black cause to the Ladies of the Drow, and found much sympathy there. Pledges of mutual aid were made, and the Drow opened a gate to Hell to let the mage entreatise its vile Lords and Ladies. When the mage finally stepped back into our fair world, he bore with him three altars of most evil nature, the Altars of Hell. Azith Dengg and his drow allies raised the standard of dissent in the year 2537 after the sundering in the mountains bordering on the province Szartax. Soon tribes of dark natured beings flocked to this banner dire, chief amongst whose were those united tribes under the rulership of the powerful Theocrats. Many humans of low estate joined the cause of Azith Dengg, the promises of plunder and slaughter offering many what they were seeking in their shallow lives. When a great host had already gathered, did the Nations first espy this threat. Eteocles the Magnificent sent forth a small army in order to deal with this perceived small matter. The Nations were shocked when but three soldiers came back from this expedition. Their broken bodies were brought to the gates of Har-Ynion, the capital of the Szartax province on a cart pushed by two goblins, who both disappeared in thin air upon the attempt by the Har-Ynion guards to apprehend them. Enraged, Eteocles the Magnificent called out to his generals. They were to deal with this blight quickly and finally. At this point Eteocles and his Generals found that their summonings of demonic hordes was blocked. Further enraged they had to rely on humans only to man their armed forces, greatly reducing their forces. Three great armies were raised, and left to the World's End mountain ranges. Before they even reached there, they were met by couriers bringing dire news. General Piraz had taken his troops to the east, where a large incursion of goblinkin supported by giants, drow and other evil races was underway. Three days later, stragglers, survivors of the battle were encountered. Piraz and his household guards had retreated orderly towards Piraz's keep, the rest of the army was shattered. With dread in their hearts, the three armies continued onwards, towards the city of Makhleff, in whose defense Piraz' army had been defeated. There, the armies were greeted by a nightmare. On the fields around the city, thousands of stakes dotted the landscape. Each stake impaled a citizen of Makhleff, be they man, woman or child. From inside the city columns of smoke and chanting emerged. The goblinoids were celebrating their return to this part of the world. The crimson flags of Azith Dengg fluttered from the spires of the city. When the three armies emerged onto the fertile plains around the massacred city, the celebrating continued. Goblins that were still outside the city walls, busily looting the dead citizens and soldiers of the Empire, sauntered back to the city, as if uncaring of the military might just arrived, and stayed just out of range of the imperial archers. The three great armies deployed and prepared to besiege the city. The goblins did not seem to care. They closed the gates, posted enough sentries not to be surprised and just kept to their celebrations. The reasons for the nonchalance of the goblins was finally explained when columns of dust were spied upon the horizons from the east, north and south. General Zhianh, the overall commander of the expeditionary force, realized the futility of remaining and fighting this horde. The humanoids were out in force. Over five hundred thousand of them must have entered Szartax province already, and were converging on this very place. His sixty thousand troops would be slaughtered, the Imperial Armies a shade of their old selves since most of the Imperial Mages had lost their control over the Arcane energies, as well as the ability to summon and control demon hordes, devil legions and the numerous other summonable creatures such as elementals. Zhianh quickly withdrew, warning villages and cities along his route of retreat. At the capital city of the Nations, Zhianh presented his case to the Emperor, notifying Him of the threat to His realm. Eteocles saw the magnitude of the invasion, and his call to arms reverberated throughout the free nations. One of the first city states to join the emperor, was that of Cron Shander. Its ruler and general, Sarpedon, marched a small but powerful and well disciplined army to the empire's aid, and many others followed. The Council of Twelve was established to deal with this crisis, constituting of the rulers of the three major provinces of the empire who had remained still fully loyal to the God-Emperor, representatives of the three major religious orders recognized in the empire, and the leaders of those rebelling city states who recognized the threat and its magnitude, or who were in the way of the unhuman advance. A great army was raised to relieve the embattled north, but by the time they were assembled, almost all of Szartax Province was under the sway of Azith Dengg's vile host. Cron Shander had been razed. Only Har-Ynion, Karth Castle and the Free-City of Su-Boyar still stood, and all those three were under siege. When the United Army entered Szartax Province, Su-Boyar had fallen. The tide of war shifted for four months then, as the huge armies of the free states chased the enemy. They were mostly able to flee, but whenever the humanoid forces were forced to fight, their armies were beaten, and their troops scattered. The generals of the empire did not see the methodology of the enemy's defeats however, nor were they concerned with the fact that during all their campaigning they only fought and defeated about fifty thousand humanoids. It was during these days that many of the great raids were perpetrated, and the province terrorized, as the roving armies fled from the United Army, but destroyed all that stood in it's path. Meanwhile, the imperial armies were slowly converging on the World's End mountains, chasing the Unhumans. In the second month of the year 2538, after the grueling winter campaigns, the once again united humanoid forces faced the Imperial Armies around the destroyed village of Thon-Fharr. The vicious battle that ensued lasted for more than six days. In this great fight both sides employed tremendous amounts of summoned creatures and other magical effects, the Emperor had sent many of those mages still capable of performing their magicks for some reason with the army. After the battle, the Imperial Armies were scattered and destroyed, at the price of many humanoid lives. This unthinkable defeat of the Imperial Armies stirred the renegade Provincial God-Kings and their Generals to raise their own banners and converge upon the battered Un-Human armies. Though their loyalty to the emperor was little, even they could not stomach the thought of the Unhuman rabble led by the Renegade Wizard Azith Dengg defeating Imperial troops with utter impunity. Realizing that his armies were tired and no new troops could be called to battle any time soon, Azith Dengg and two of his most brilliant Generals, the ladies Phaedra and Megaera, devised an attack on the Capital itself, seeing as all resistance between Thon-Farr and the Capital had been smashed. Ambassadors were sent to seek the more active aid of the Elves and Dwarves, who had stayed away from the Evil Races thus far, but secretly admired their courage and applauded their successes against the oppressors. The armies of the un-humans, aided by dwarven and elven forces, eager to punish the empire for their near extinction, rushed for the capital, and reached the Golden Plains before the converging Imperial Forces could cut them off. Surrounded by enemy troops, the combined un-human armies threw themselves upon the gates of the city, and after a battle of unparalleled fierceness, in which almost all artifacts and magics available to Azith Dengg and his allies were put to use, they broke through. Entire Legions of Hell, led by the Arch-Devil Lords in person as well as Demon Hordes under the dark and dread banners of some of the greatest of Demon Lords, fought on the side of the unhumans, in a desperate effort to break the magically enhanced defenses of the Imperial Capital and the nearly all-powerful Imperial Guards units. Once inside the capital they laid siege to the Emperor's Fortress, known as the Green Marble Palace. While Imperial troops began to enter the Golden Plains surrounding the Capital, the un-humans broke the defenses of the Green Marble Palace. Inside a furious fight broke out, but eventually, Azith Dengg and his allies succeeded in entering the Imperial Throne Room, and engage the God-Emperor Eteocles the Magnificent in combat. Though powerful, Eteocles was not well versed in the arts of war, and he fell under the onslaught put forth by Azith Dengg and his henchmen. Many of Azith Dengg's allies died, but Eteocles finally fell, ending the Reign of Man. The Imperial Armies led by the various provincial leaders, the mighty God-Kings, and their powerful entourages, arrived only to be greeted with the very visions of nightmare. The Unconquerable City, Shar'Tek, conquered and destroyed, and the Invincible Citadel, the Green Marble Palace, or Malach'Tek, broken and burning. The spirit of Eteocles fled, and the mighty Empire of Man humiliated by a band of ragged unhumans. The God-Kings were stunned, and at a loss. However, it did not take the God-Kings long to realize that the Green Marble Throne was up for grabs. With the defeat of the Imperial Guard and the Emperor, the Azithian Race Wars ended, and the even more vicious and destructive Core Wars began, its beginning rung loud with the Second Battle for Shar'Tek, as the God-Kings tried to grab for the magic stores and artifacts remaining in the ravaged city. And so the first book ends, and Arlon turns to the second .... (Silver:) As Arlon reads the text of the books, she moves away from the edge of the group, and moves over to Daermon. Without interrupting the story for him, Silver will try to see if Daermon might require some healing from her. (Daermon:) As Silver asks Daermon if he is in need of healing, he looks at her with a sad smile and speaks. "No my dear, I am afraid that the damage done to me by the potion is not so much physical damage as much a drain of my strength and lifeforce in general. I am afraid that your healing powers will not be adequate to heal my suffering. However, the weakness and illness will not last too long. I will live. (at that his expression becomes dark) Unlike our friend lord Talon Clasp." (Silver:) Silver grips his arm, trying to offer some small measure of comfort. She says nothing, but her eyes show a lot. Meanwhile, Arlon has started reading the second of Archion's books .... A Brief and True History of Events In the First Days of the Core Wars Or The History of The World: The Ancient Times III Published and Edited By: Archion Thissel, Archeologist The unhuman forces under the banners of the Mage Azith Dengg, aided by the Dwarven Kingdom's Forces and the Elven Imperial Regiments, as well as many of the great demons and devils of the nether planes, finally managed to break the defenses of the Capital of the Nations, and streamed in to rape and pillage the once proud city. Shock Troops made their way to the Green Marble Palace, the hideout of the remnants of the Imperial Guards and the refuge of Eteocles the Magnificent himself, together with the few surviving members of the once mighty Council of Twelve. Even the Magical Seals and the heroic defense by the elite units of the Imperial Guards and the Emperor's Own could not withstand the fury that had been dragged from the Pits of Hell and the Endless Abyssal Grounds. All the great magicks summoned by the Emperor's forces through spell and artifact were countered by those brought forth by the Lords of Hell and the Demonic Rulers. Spell clashed with spell, artifact against artifact, creature against creature. Ultimately the large number of the Summoned Hosts weighed too heavily upon the valiant defenders, and one after the other they fell, irreplaceable, while more and more Demons and Devils streamed through the Great Gates opened by the Altars of Hell and great spells. In the end, the very throne room of the God-Emperor was breached, and Eteocles himself was forced to engage in combat. It is uncertain who actually was responsible for the kill. Some say that Asmodeus and Demogorgon appeared in person to bring the wrath of the real Gods upon the self proclaimed God-Emperor, others maintain that in the end it was Azith Dengg and the Spellfire Staff against Eteocles and the Scepter of Might. No matter in which way, the result was the same. Eteocles fell, and with him would fall the great Empire of Man. And so it happened that the Provincial Legions, the rest of the Armed Forces of the Empire of Man under the leadership of the God-Kings congregated at the Golden Plains, only to gaze powerless at the smoking ruins of the Great Capital of the Nations. The proud spires of the Green Marble Palace had become fiery candles, and the streets of the once thought to be unconquerable city of Shar'Tek were seen to be ravaged and still being scourged by the demon hordes and devil legions summoned to fight for the Renegade Wizard Azith Dengg. To their even greater anger, the banners of some of the greater Demonic and Devil Lords and Ladies were recognized, standards and Champions of Evil resplendent in their dark armours surrounded some of the most renowned. The armies of Soulless Geryon and his Duke, the Wolfheaded Amon, the vile slithering armies of the Slimelord Shublox and his dread consort Zuggtmoy, the Demon Queen of Fungi. Fat Mammon and his beautiful consort, Asmodeus' daughter herself, Glasya and Mammon's vassal, the Bovine Duke Bael, even the banners of the Six Fingered Lord Graz'zt and his vassals, the Deformed Frost-Giant Demon Lord Kostchtchie and the Demon Lord of all Minotaurs, the dreaded Baphomet fluttered next to those of the Prince of Lies Var Az Hloo. Even as the Great Imperial Provincial Armies descended onto the Golden Plains, and deployed for battle however, great gates began to form in the city, and the roiling masses of demons and devils began their departure to their own planes, their absence from their own planes inviting attacks by other Outer-Planar forces. The vile standards waved, and began winding their way through the blood soaked streets of the broken city towards the staging points of the Gates, carrying many of the hapless surviving defeated screaming to the NetherPlanes. Their payment for their foul assistance. Unable to come to a decision to attack, as no single God-King wished to lose more troops in the fighting than another, the ragged and diminished unhuman armies that remained behind, those who belonged to this world, retreated in an orderly fashion for the forests and hills from whence they sprang, leaving behind them the violated remains of Shar'Tek and all those who died in its defense. The air was filled with flying creatures shielding the retreating host, and any of the flying troops from the God-Kings straying too close were quickly chased away. The dead city had it's own aerial coverage, a great swarm of vultures. That night, emissaries from the different God-Kings entered the city to investigate, and rescue any wounded survivors. They found none. While the various camps settled down for the night, the Wizards of the God-Kings found they again had their control back over the arcane energies. Realizing what had to lay beneath the rubble of the city, mages scanned the ruins for magic remains. The auras of many great artifacts were discovered, not the least including the Scepter of Might of Eteocles, as well as large magic stores once belonging to the now destroyed Imperial Guards, and the repositories of the destroyed Headquarters of the Mage-Guilds, and the Great Temples of the Three True Gods. All buried beneath the rubble and the dead. All through the night, the various God-Kings plotted to take the ruins by force and to gain the privilege to mine them for the great magics contained therein for themselves only, to support a bid for the now up for grabs Imperial Title and the empty Green Marble Throne. Secret emissaries traveled between the camps, hammering out alliances and battle plans. Khaled of the southern province of Mag'Louf and Morand of the Desert Province of Tal'Linn allied with the lesser God-Kings Dathru, Ablach and Mahadu, who all ruled various of the City States. The Great Three Eastern God-Kings Agenor, Neabaz and Semnai, rulers of the vast and densest inhabited eastern provinces decided to split the spoils among them after defeating all the others, and a third faction emerged of the Western Alliance God-Kings, Chalkas, Haemon and Ty'Deus, the rulers of the western provinces, the last provinces formed, ending against the Great Sea. The darkness of the night was alight with the bonfires in which the armies made their last preparations for the morning to come. A day no preparation would ever be enough for. Mages reviewed their memorized spells, and ensured they were prepared for maximum destruction, warriors tested their often magical gear to ensure all worked properly, that they were stocked up on potions to aid them in the fight and such matters. The priests also made themselves ready to heal the wounded, and fight as best they could for the just cause of their sponsoring God-King, filling the air with their thousands of prayers. The next morning, the three great factions' armies streamed from their camps, large snaking arms of men and summoned monsters reaching greedily for the Jewel City Shar'Tek, the destroyed capital. Banners flying high, shock troops in the front, mages and champions flying overhead on summoned Dragons, Nightmares and worse creatures, the armies met and clashed amidst the ruins of the Capital. At the very forefront were many of the mages, able to look for Artifacts to be put to immediate use. Many mages died in the vicious fighting, and the God-Kings themselves took the field. The world shook at the powers unleashed, and by the end of the day, the fighting continued in the burning ruins, a new layer of dead covering the old one. Spells blasted already destroyed buildings, people shed blood knee deep in red rivers cascading through the clogged streets, and men and women died, to fall on the carpet of dead. Troops fell almost as fast as they could be brought to bear on the wild melee as the three sides fought each other. Champions fell by the scores, the very air crackled with the arcane energies of so much magic unleashed, and the air was thick with the souls fleeing destroyed bodies. The night was alight with magic glowing from the magical spells and weapons employed. Lightning raked the area and meteor storms wracked the cauldron of death, killing troops indiscriminately. Artifacts were found only to be lost again as the sea of battle swept over tenuous positions of troops rallied about such items. Clouds of the vilest poisons and the strangest of summoned creatures dotted the bloody scenery, and people fell as often as not to random effects. Finally, the God-Kings were forced to retreat, lest they lose their entire armies. By that time some had perished already. Neabaz had slain Chalkas in single combat, and the evil Khaled had killed Mahadu when Mahadu tried to switch allegiance to the Western Alliance. These battles nearly destroyed the very fabric of the plane. Seeing none could gain the upper hand, all surviving God-Kings realized that they would only completely destroy one another here, and slowly the various factions began to disengage. The following morning found the Imperial Provincial Armies back in their camps, and settled to lick their grievous wounds. The exhausted armies counted their vast losses, and broken brigades and regiments looked with disgust at their once proud, now blood-soaked banners and other battle relics. Some even lost in the maelstrom of death which had been the bustling center of the Known Universes only two days ago. The God-Kings returned to their lands to fully mobilize their lands, and unleash the greatest destruction ever seen on any mortal world. Cities were destroyed, armies shattered and God-Kings slain. Time and again, one of the God-Kings would try to take Shar'Tek, only to be met by several of the others, and forced to leave without ever being able to regain the lost magics of the dead city. Throughout the early wars only the solid Eastern Alliance was able to remain relatively untouched, until even they fell prey to internecine war when the forces of Agenor marched into the lands of Neabaz, a move that proved destructive to both when Semnai stepped in and killed both Neabaz and Agenor. Once the orgy of destruction was unleashed, it could not be stopped. The centuries of peace and calm had stored a great capacity of unfocused rage. Now the population itself had found a way to unleash their pent up destructive feelings and urges, turning neighbour against neighbour, brother against brother. Thus centuries of utter chaos began. Finally, Arlon pulls out some loose sheets and reads those .... The Notes of the Mage Archion-Thissel Archeologist and Historian Specializing in Events and Items From the Azithian Race Wars and the Core Wars Entry 3128: A report on findings about the mages reportedly leaving the empire behind to seek a new life on a new continent. Having perused incomplete copies of the Tome of Cesshahl, I have come to some of the following conclusions. Seeing the great destructions wrought by the great mage Azith Dengg in the Azithian Race Wars (see notes 237-2698), and suffering under the deprivation of magic, supposedly a sanction imposed by the Gods of Magic, possibly the being now known to us as Mystra (the old one killed in the Avatar Crisis, not the newly ascended one), a group of powerful mages traveled to the mountain peak where the blind seeress lived. There they posed her questions as to the future of their magic. What exactly was spoken to them was unfortunately unreadable, but their reactions were those of horror and dismay. These mages were characterized by Cesshahl as being selfish men and women, intent to have their magic survive at all cost. She even went so far as to describe some of them as 'evil'. She warned them that fleeing this land physically was not going to be an adequate solution, they nonetheless questioned her about possibilities to escape the onrushing fatal destruction of their beloved empire. Cesshahl disclosed that their fates would lie in the Shining Lands, the hot jungles of the unexplored continent to the west. She warned them with the following words: Death shall follow thee on thy heels. Whatever their meaning, the mages were intent on establishing a new empire in the new continent. They called themselves the Sons of the Empire of Man, openly defying the wrath of the Real Gods, and were sure that once their magic was restored, they would be able to change Fate itself, and cheat the gods out of their complete punishment of the God-Emperor and his followers for their hubris. They went so far as to question Cesshahl how to ensure that they would never be deprived of their magic again, and bound by her Oath, she answered them. Unfortunately, the answer is impossible to read in any of the copies I have gathered to date. These passages seemed of little interest, until word filtered down about expeditions having re-discovered the Shining Lands. When I heard that remains of an ancient wizard had been found, I knew that I would have to visit this land at any cost. The secrets lost in the sands of time may well be regained here, and it would be of great interest to the free world to know the fate of the selfish mages who fled there. Finally, Arlon finishes reading the books and parchments given to them by Archion .... (Tatiana:) After she finished reading the material provided by the Sage, Tatiana gave a great sigh. "Whew, where to start?" (Arlon:) Arlon will now ask Mendahl "What is our course now Master. What can we do?" Almost as an afterthought, he adds "Have you found out anything about the wand of fire?" (Silver:) As Arlon asks about identifying the purposes of magical items, Silver shows Mendahl the plain ring (from the Darkhaven Dozen) and bracers she wears. (Mendahl:) When you ask about the Wand of Fire, and the other items, Mendahl speaks up. "Yes, the wand. Thanks to our friend Archion Thissel's knowledge I was finally able to puzzle not only its exact nature as well as the key to unlock it's magics. It is a wand that can be made to shoot forth fiery balls of flame which will explode at a certain set distance. The word needed to unleash it's power is 'Shuroch'. In the old mage-tongue, this word means 'fiery globe'." (Arlon:) "An extraordinary item. Is there any clue to how much magic is left in it? Can it help unlock the secret of the lost spell?" (Mendahl:) Mendahl shakes his head. "No, my friend. Such is not possible. The other way around, yes. That might have been possible." "As to the other items, they would require some time of study by both me and Archion to figure out. If we can figure them out at all." (Silver:) Silver nods in understanding and shrugs. "I am sure they would help us achieve what we are about to attempt. Whatever that is ..." (Mendahl:) When you ask Mendahl what to do next, he speaks thus "Hmm. The whole situation seems to be in flux. Archion Thissel firmly believes that the news you bring is true, he already hinted that we were here for a reason earlier, referring to excerpts from the Tome of Cesshahl, and this only confirms it." "We have been sent by the gods to fight those who would challenge them." (Silver:) Silver lets out an involuntary gasp of utter surprise. "I _knew_ it ! Oh, Ebu !" she looks over to Shade "I have known all my life that I have been shaped by my goddess for something ... my dreams were filled with this land, which was part of why I came ... it all slots into place. This _must_ be why I am here. Oh Mielikki, I thank you !" she spreads her arms wide, smiling. (Mendahl:) "We will need divine aid to see this through. Mayhaps one of you can help with an augury, or we could ask over one of the priests outside." (Silver:) "Of course, of course." Preparing herself, she waits until he finishes speaking then says, in a joyous tone despite the serious surroundings "My sweet Saviour, All knowing, kindness deified, Your humble servants wish to serve You, Enlighten us with knowledge, which of Your paths we must follow" OOC: Augury (Mendahl:) "Whatever is decided upon, it will be important. The powers that have lain dormant for four millennia have come back to get vengeance, and the ones to blame have been preparing ever since. This now is the distillation of those four millennium. The last battle to close the chapter on the events begun in the Azithian Race Wars." (Tatiana:) "I think it is clear what we are to do. We are to help the wronged as Silver's earlier augury said. That was one of the clearest auguries I've ever witnessed." "So what do you think we should do next? Have you any leads at all as to where to start searching for the artifacts? And who would be watching or trying to stop us if we started our search for them? They might be useful in our fight if we could recover them." (Mendahl:) When the artifacts are brought up as a possibility, he says "Yes, it may well be our only hope." (Tatiana:) Tatiana looked downcast. "If that is our only hope then times are dire indeed. For if near gods couldn't recover them, I don't see how we can" (Mendahl:) While Silver prepares for the answer to her augury, he replies "Let us wait for what our lady druid has to say." (Silver:) OOC: For the augury results, I see Silver going into a sort of trance, speaking the result in a strangely deep echoing voice, but able to remember what she says for when she comes out of the trance. The augury's answer is the following: "You must find the strength and power to resist and defeat your enemies." (Tatiana:) She sighed heavily. "It seems the god's feel the situation is dire too." (Silver:) When her eyes focus once more on the others present, she seems slightly breathless, and shivers (with pleasure, not fear). She listens to Tatiana, then adds "You are so right, 'Ana. Mielikki does indeed have an intense desire to resolve certain ... issues. My belief is that I have been shaped for this task. I hope that is not too presumptuous of me ..." (Tatiana:) Tatiana stifled a yawn that tried to escape. "Be it planning or bad luck, it looks like gods are playing with our mortal lives. We have little choice but to follow." "But can we do it after some rest?" (Silver:) Silver grins a little, eyes shining. She seems full of energy, but willing to get rest for the others. (Arlon:) "I guess that means we need to go looking for something. That could mean travel the planes or go back to the old empire and locate some of the lost artifacts." (Shade:) Shade mumbles silently "Yes," he then says "I do agree with Arlon." (Tatiana:) "Travel the planes? I see no means that we can do that by, and where is this old empire to even begin this search. Beside, do we have the time to roam the corners of the world to find these artifacts? or will the effort be over by the time we find anything." (Arlon:) "There are several ways to get to the planes and I'm sure Archion would have a good idea where to begin the search for the artifacts. We may not have any choice but to go looking for these things." (Tatiana:) See looked apologetically at Arlon, "I'm sorry, but I'm exhausted and the thought of the Zhentarium on these shores as well as the native hordes and traitorous false gods giving us guidance is just too much for me all at once." "I'm just thankful that Saicha didn't kill us back in that temple." "I will follow what ever words of wisdom you all come up with. I'm only a story teller, but I will play the part fate casts for me. But I need sleep right now. Traveling all night on winged horses, and freeing gods and running from natives is too much for me in one day." (Silver:) Silver's eyes are shining. "I too felt weary on our return, with the newfound 'friends' of Dark Haven. But now ! I feel I have been ... directed ... to search and find the artifacts that Archion mentioned. So many things have been made plain to me !" (Arlon:) Seeing the fatigue in Tatiana's eyes, "It may be best if we decide after we have had some rest, it has been a very eventful trip." He turns to Mendahl. "Do you think we need worry about these 'Sons' tonight ? I didn't like the way they said 'Eidolon'." (Shade:) Shade will also ask the mage "Master Mendahl, do you think we have to worry about an immediate attack from our enemies? I do think we are too tired to deal with them tonight, in this case will you be so kind as to host us for some restful sleep?" (DM:) Mendahl does not believe you are in immediate danger since everyone is much more wary since the first assassination attempts. The party decide to sleep in their own beds that night, and so emerge from Mendahl's tower, and move back towards their new HQ .... (Tatiana:) Tatiana followed the others as the headed back to their new headquarters. "I can't wait till I own my own home. But that is looking a long way off now." she commented quietly as they walked along. And now they see Keilan and friend moving through the crowds towards them .... (Keilan:) Keilan finally meets back with the rest of you. "Ah, there you are ... What have you learned?" Raoh is once again trotting alongside Keilan happily. (Arlon:) "There is much bad news which we should not discuss in the open, lets just say what Saicha told us is true and the Sons of the Empire are here to help." At the last part Arlon will be shaking his head. (Silver:) While Arlon talks briefly to Keilan, Silver crouches down to Raoh's level, and growls/mewls deeply. The cub answers, and after a while she straightens and says to Keilan "He's been learning while we've been away ..." nodding approvingly at the growing cub. (Keilan:) "Yes. Both days..." with an odd look at Silver. (Silver:) OOC: O Boy, it's been a long day here. Must remember my brain tomorrow ;-) Silver notices the look and says, as if in explanation "Oh, not physically, but in spirit. He's not becoming too ... 'human' ... if you know what I mean." (Keilan:) "But then, you haven't been here, have you?" (Silver:) "No ... but he told me about his first success in hunting alone, yesterday ..." she frowns slightly. And so the party are re-united once more, and return to their HQ to discuss what they must do next. Anyone who starts to mention anything to Keilan before they get inside their HQ is quickly interrupted by some of the others ....