An Exercise in the Study of Immortality Part 3 by Patrick P. Weeks (Silvorn) ============================================================================== After a fine meal, the five adventurers stand, ready to head further into the cliff face. Gerik "relights" his torch and they are off. They are away no more than 10 minutes when a large lumbering black shadow appears in front of Kerol. He gapes in suprise and then starts staggering around. Gerik yells "Umber hulks!" as he rushes forward brandishing his mace. Doran, the dwarf hefts his hammer, and starts to rush forward as two appear behind him clawing into his armor. "agggh!" Ragan shifts into the shadows. Marda waves her hands in front of her eyes, and she becomes glassy eyed as she walks over toward Doran. Gerik swings his mace at the creature as the exhange blows. Kerol drops his weapon and leans against the wall. "hmm?" An Umber Hulk gazes at Marda and finds himself staring into his own reflection. It turns and swipes at his companion. Doran grunts and takes that opportunity to smash that creature with his hammer. Not one to miss an opportunity, Ragan slashes at the creatures back with his sword. In a flurry of blows, between the confused hulk and his companion, the second decides to flee and Ragan and Doran finish the other off. Gerik, meanwhile attacks his and is victorious as several magical bolts hit his opponent, originating from Marda. Gerik quickly turns and casts a spell as Kerol picks up his weapon and moves to slash at the mage. He shakes his head and says, "wha?" As he turns and looks at the bodies, he nods in understanding. "Everytime! They did that to me last time too!" Marda laughs, "It's ok, Gerik was quick enough this time, I've still got a scar from your old sword. I wasn't going to let that happen again..." Gerik blesses Doran and himself with a bit of his gods blessing as they move on. After following several more turns and twists in the cavern, the air started to get a little harsh. Marda coughing, "I wonder if this is a hint of the type of creature they banished here." Ragan adds, "Well it may be, but I'd rather breathe this crap than go back out on that cliff face." "I suggest we proceed with caution. Where's Ragan?" asks Kerol. "Taking treasure for himself, likely, scouting, possibly..." Gerik answers. Ragan whispers from down the cavern aways, "Scouting possible...I think you'd be more appreciative he says as he approaches. In the room, I found a rather large reptilian creature, rather greenish in color." Doran exclaims, "A Dragon! I didn't think they exist!" Marda hushes Doran, "Shh, WE won't exist if you don't shut up. The legends were right, it Is a nasty creature guarding this item..." Kerol asks, "What's the plan. And by the way, I'm NOT rushing in alone on this one..." "I think it's sleeping." says Ragan. Marda chuckles, "Yep, I'm sure it hasn't heard a thing in our approach. Ragan, you circle in on the "sleeping" dragon. Gerik can silence the two of you long enough to get close enough for an assault. Then he and I can provide spell support, and I'll "try" to keep his breath occupied." "Like this air do you?", Gerik says grinning, "You can have it..." Doran protests, "I'm not sure I wan't to help on this part." Ragan coaxes, "You're right... Don't help, we'll pay you your 100 gold for helping us get down the mountain, perhaps a bonus, and WE'll split all those gems I saw in that cubby near the back of the cavern. "I...well, I WOULD hate to have you do this all alone... That wouldn't be very friendly now would it..." Gerik silences the two warriors as Ragan sneaks around the dragon. Gerik begins to chant a "prayer" as the cavern lights up from Marda's staff. The warriors waste no time in striking the "sleeping?" creature. It quickly rises and roars as it exhales a greenish-yellow gas. The warriors catch the brunt of it and the dwarf staggers to his knees. "Greed may have done me in this time." he grumbles. Gerik is partly caught and Marda disappears just before the blast gets to her. She reappears hovering in the air to the left of the dragon. "Who disturbs my imprisonment?" roars the dragon. "Seeking my prize?" it laughs. "I will feast first!" as it bites down on Kerol and claws the dwarf. The warriors retaliate with heavy blows to the large reptile. Marda sends a bolt of electricity toward the creature, but it disappates upon impact. Gerik attempts to swat the creature with a hammer, but it to disappates back to the ethereal plane, as it appears over his head. "Ha!" it laughs, but quickly changes his mood, as a dagger flies true and strikes him in the head. Ragan laughs, "Ahh! Don't like my little Scalebiter, do you! Give me the prize!" He would continue laughing, but he is quickly silenced as his body is thrown against the wall by the force of the dragon's tail strike. "ummph." Gerick runs forward, useful spells out of the way, and attacks with his mace, but i bounces harmlessly off its hide. Doran gets in a feeble attack before the dragon can reach down with its craning neck and swallow him whole. He swats again at Kerol, forcing him to drop to his knees. Marda screams as the dragon inhales, and an arrow flies from her finger, piercing the dragon and loosing acid on it's hide." It breathes into the air at the hovering mage. She is barely able to get up her sphere of force, as the gases flow around it. Gerik acknowledges her distraction and smites the dragon. The dragon rears it's head and mumbles a few words, "seeke killem toc" as it turns and swats Kerol's now lifeless body across the cavern to the far wall. Suddenly Gerik screams and starts swinging in the middle of the air. He crumples as though hit by something and falls to the ground dead, perhaps killed by his own fears... The dragon now looks at it's final combatant. "Well played mage... as it waves it's claw and Marda's Sphere of Force disappates. You shall be the tastiest morsel of all! As it stands though, MArda completes her incantation. She release a bit of blood from a vial, to the end of her firefinger and the wound on the dragon's neck from Scalebiter, starts to burns a red-violet flame. The reptile claws at the mage, but his blows reflect from her skin. She shivers, "Diamond dust is worth every penny, "she mutters, as she draws her last line of defense. The dragons wails from the burning wound on it's back and begins to inhale, as the mage's lone dagger sails across the room and meets her target. The echo of the dragon's wail must have echoed throughout the canyon, but only lasted as long as the thud of the creatures' body falling to the ground. Leviating to the ground, Marda walks over to the wall of the cavern, wherein a crystalline pocket in the wall, lies a platinum ring with dark streaks throughout. She carefully picks it up and smile. "I hope this is as powerful as they say. It would have to be worth a lot if it is to make up for the pain suffered this day." She is silent for a moment as she gazes at the circlet of graying platinum, but then she emits a short shriek. Ragan slowly lowers her body to the ground, as he removes his dagger. It is "quite" powerful. The legends I read spoke of regenerative properties beyond imagination..." He smiles. Picking through the equipment of his companions he takes what he wants and walks toward the cliff face. "I truly wish those jewels I spoke of had been there. Only way to get some people to die for you sometimes..." He cackles. As he reaches the edge, he mumbles. "I still hate heights..." Placing the ring on his finger and strapping everything he wanted in a satchel, he leaps off the edge, yelling, "I am immortal!" -------------------------- Optional ending 1 -------------------------- Ragan's body lands at the base of the cliff. Skull smashed, back broken. The water from the sea comes up and washes away some of his equipment. Suddenly a small green-red creature appears. He removes the ring from Ragan's body and flies off, chuckling... -------------------------- Real Ending-continuation? -------------------------- His body lands near a small brook at the base of the canyon. His legs are broken, and his back is twisted. A half a day passes, and the body starts to move. "unnhhh" He lies motionless till sunrise, when the sun shines on a fully functional body. Ragan stands and looks up. "A long ways that... I still hate heights" As he picks up his things, he pauses and looks at his hands. They are darker it seems. He also notices his hair, with some white streaks through it. Getting old already? He shrugs and begins the long journey through the canyon back to the city.